Chapter 4

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Amoura's pov
I woke up feeling a little better so I went & got dressed

Amoura's pov I woke up feeling a little better so I went & got dressed

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& put on my black Jordan's. I did everything I had to do & went downstairs to the kitchen & bumped into my dad

Hey! I said lowly bc my throat hurts badly & he felt my head

Moura your still hot. He said & I nodded

Ik buh I feel kinda better! I said pouting & he went & grabbed my medication & gave me some & I kissed his cheek & went & made me some tea & I sat on the couch & drunk it until I got a texted from Chris

•Text messages•

What you fenna get into?

I don't know bc I'm sick🤢

Awe poor baby! Let me take care of you💜

I ignored his texted & watched spongebob until I fell back to sleep


I went downstairs bc someone was knocking on my door & amoura wasn't answering me so I had to get up

Amoura! I yelled walking down the stairs buh she ain't answer me so I went into the living room & saw her sleep so I went & opened the door & saw that it was her mom

My bad, amoura wasn't answering me. I said & she looked at me confusedly

Y'all beefing again? August really. She said & I shook my head

Nah we not beefing, I think everything is coo now. I said & she nodded & came in so I could close the door

Where she at? She asked

In the living room sleeping. She threw up a lot last night, & had a high fever. I said as I went to get her

You taking her home? I asked kinda sad

Yeah, unless you wanna keep her, & bring her home later. She said & I nodded as I picked amoura up & she started coughing (she only 16 so she's not heavy or tall)

Yeah I can do that. I said checking amoura temperature & she was hot

What's wrong? She asked

She has a fever again, I'm fenna run her a bath & give her medicine & let her lay up under me. I'll bring her home when she's ready. I said & amoura woke up

Hey mom. Amoura said & her mom (her moms name is Mia) rubbed her back

You wanna come home now & chill with your sister or stay here with your dad? Mia asked

I wanna stay here. Amoura said & Mia nodded & kissed her cheek & left & I went up stairs & amoura took a bath & got a medication & just laid up under me



I was laying in my dads big ass bed when I felt like I had to throw up & I had that feeling so I started cry ( Authors note: in real life I hate throwing up so I cry if I get the feeling & if I throw up)

I struggled to get out of my dads bed bc I'm so damn short buh I ended up falling off, it's okay tho. I went into the bathroom & brushed my teeth & put my hair in a messy ass nun & went to my room & put on my slides & went downstairs to the living room

Dad, I wanna go home, well mommy's house. I said & he stood up & grabbed his keys & I made him carry me bc I'm just that bitch😛sike nah, I just was being a baby.

TO BE CONTINUED.. a little lazy!! 😊😊

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