Chapter 25 aria

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We get to town way before everyone else that thing Is fast. I mean i know I can't have anything like that due to having kids. But oh my what a car to have. Bloody Wayne.

"Wayne can we go longer drive on way home. I'll mind link Jax on the way so he can't say no" I say with my best puppy dog face. He laughs but agrees. Wayne has his arm over my shoulders and whispering in my ears. We are laughing because a human girl he likes turned out is lesbian. He made me laugh so hard I nearly wet my self. The others still haven't got here. I saw fro yo sign. Wayne sighed

"jax is gonna kill me" I laugh

"Wayne if you don't get the pregnant future Luna fro yo you might die anyway. So make me happy before you die in the hands of my mate. I'll try to protect you if I'm not eating"

"Fine Luna" he says sarcastically Sitting in fro yo jax didn't Evan mind link me he knew where I would be. Smart alpha.

"Baby I said no fro yo until after the furniture shop."

"But jax you guys where so slow". I whine. Yep I do that now too. He growled

"yes I'll be speaking to Wayne about the speed" I laughed

"you can't I ordered him. Sorry jaxy"

"of course you did." While he hugs me

"baby you smell of Wayne" in his agitated voice.

"Yep I say as I put fro yo in my mouth. I was in his car jax and he hugged me to keep me safe. Jax you Evan think about it and you will be sleeping in your old room". I see his brain working over the cons and prosI win again. Yay.

I see rose and Anne walking towards us then Luke say up so fast he nearly knocked the table with my bloody fro yo on it. I was about to yell when I hear

"Mate"they both said at same time.

Oh shit I thought but I also clapped like a foul. It's exciting. Jax laughed. Because luke likes being a player and had no intention of claiming his mate. This is going to be fun. I had to break the party up

"come on guys furniture time" Then I look at luke and anne.

"Um you guys gonna have to kind of stop kissing and pick you bed." Anne looks at me all red and embarrassed.

BED" she shreeks noticing my bad choice of words I laugh
"Okay I should explain" so I did.

"But why do I have to help him pick his room for your new house" She says so innocently. Silly little she wolf.

"Um your his beta female his mate you will live together being apart hurts ya chest. Trust me I've kicked my mate out plenty. It's not fun for both wolfs"I hear a growl behind me. Smiling at hiM remembering every night he has been kicked out.  He was grumpy the next day and sucking up to me. He hates it. We arrive to a bed place I picked mine straight away it was big really big the mattress was the hardest part to pick. Then we left the boys to pick there's Dom got the same as us so he came to the baby section to help. jax surprisingly let him.  Dom is excited for our pups.

"Aria why you in baby section" I hear anne ask.
I didn't answer luke did

"oh because our future of the pack is growing in her womb by 3 time". The girls scream. I stand there

"okay" I say.

"Little over excited". Jax hugs me he knows my discomfort in the girly screaming.

We picked all the same cots and basinets. We Evan had to change the apartment to get more rooms for our 3 plus more. So we added a fourth level smaller than the 3rd so our room and the kids on the 3rd can only access 4th level through 3rd. To get to third you can only be me or jax. so we will be safe but lucky for us the contractors said they will do over time to get it fixed. Werewolf speed love it.

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