x ONE x

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Georgia POV:

i got out of my car which was packed out side of the university with my boxes and bags , it wasn't packed yet because its like 10am i decided to come early . I walked to the gates almost dropping the boxes until a thick Irish accent spoke to me ,

"Do you need some help there?" he said , he was cute he had blue eyes and blonde hair! oh my god he is so cute.

"yes please" i said embarrassed , he smiled ! awe he is so cute, he grabbed the boxes and followed behind it wasn't hard to find my room it had a massive '58' on it i unlocked the door no one was in here yet just me 

"Thank you..?" i said looking at him

"Niall" he smiled and then looked at me

"Georgia" i said shaking his hands

"i know you just met me but can i have your number?" he asked and looked down at the floor

"yeah" i said and took his phone and he took me and we exchanged numbers

"Bye!thanks again" i said he nodded and walked of , i shut my door and started to unpack.. unpacking yay .

~half a hour later~

after i finished putting my clothes away and books and sat on my bed and of course i brought my laptop! i couldnt go anywhere with out it.

"hi i got told this is my room?" a girl said opening the door

"oh right i dont know shares this room with me one minute let me check my paper" i said before looking under my bed and searching 

"Found it!" i said and sat back on the bed , my head kills 

"is your name Ryan ?" i asked , she had light brown hair , it looked really nice

"Yes and i am guessing your Georgia?" she said i nodded and smiled widely

"Your from Scotland right?" she had a thick Australian accent , oooh.

"well  was born in Australia but moved to Scotland when i was 6 so i grew up mostly in Scotland" i said explaining to her whislt she was unpacking she ssemed girly but not girly if anyone knows what i mean.

"Oh so you was born in Australia like me?" she asked , i nodded even though she couldnt see

"Yeah" i said and went back to what ever i was doing on my laptop: facebook

~facebook message to leah~

Me: hows your university?x

Leah : its alright actually , my room number is 109

Me: mine is 58 x

Leah: sucks we dont go to the same Uni if we did that would of been so cool!x

Me: yeah i know:( got to go talking to Ryan x

Leah: bye bitch message me soon :3x

 ~you have gone offline~ 

i turned my laptop off and went on my phone , oh i have gold iphone 5s btw (by the way) 

~one message :JodieMyAmazingFriend<3x

Jodie: i miss you:(xxxxxxx

Me: miss you too!Xxxxxxx

 "So you excited for it start ?" Ryan asked 

"yes! but also no if you know what i mean?" i said she looked at Her she nodded and sat on her bed

"she we go on a walk around the school?" she said , i thought about it and nodded

we walked around the school until Ryan had to go meet her friends , yeah she has friends unlike me ! LONERRRR

"hi , my name is Amelia and yeah hi" she laughed, she had blue eyes and blonde hair and really nice blonde hair

"well hi Amelia! i am Georgia! " i said laughing after it

"Oh your from Scotland ? ohhh i like your accent" she said winking causing me to role my eyes playfully

"i wasnt born in scotland , i was born in Australia but moved to Scotland"i said making her nod her hair she probably didnt even listen but anyway moving on..

"So what do you like to listen to? music?" She asked 

"I like any type of music , music is music to me its the same it doesnt matter if it is screamo or anything really.." i said shrugging she looked at me

"That was a deep but i agree with you " she said nodding , i chucked and smiled 

"Do you sing? play guitar or drums?" i asked now , my turn.

"Yeah i do actually, i play guitar and flute how about you?" she asked 

"I love to sing and i play piano and i like playing drums and guitar i guess" i said shrugging not knowing what ese to say

"thats nice, what room is your room?" she asked , she has a lot of questions but least i am talking to to someone.

"58 How about you?" i asked her

"49" she said as we got up form the bench outside the building looking at the grass we carried on the conversation we actually have a lot in commen to be honest , she is like another one of me

"Right it was nice speaking to you! time to go to my room" she said i didnt know what she meant till i checked the time *pm holy shit what have i been doing these past hours fucking hell! i smiled and walked up the stairs until i found my room , i looked through my bag and found my keys at the bottom of it and grabbed them unlocking the door to notice Ryan isnt it here yet oh well , i threw my bag on to my bed getting some Pjs and going to the shower .

Yes shower sounds relaxing.

Leahs POV: 

"Hiya love" Louis said walking up to me with Harry and Niall and Zayn and Liam

"Hi guys and why is he so smiley ooh has he finally got a bitch?!" i asked getting giddy he looked down , OOH!!

"Whats her name!! about fucking time Niall holy shit!" i gasped making everyone laugh and Niall look at me strangely 

"I dont know i should be offend by that or not But i did i met her this morning , She was so beautiful she had blonde hair and blue eyes she is so beautiful! she has a London accent as well it is so hot! i helped her to take her stuff into her room she is just so perfect! holy shit i sound like a girl" he said blushing causing us all to laugh

"Whats her name? oh and Scotland didnt know you liked Scotland people"Liam said looking at Niall with a weird look , I know someone from Scotland she is my internet best friend she is called Georgia .

"She is called Georgia and i got her number so i am gonna go and call her!" he said causing me and Louis to look at each other nodding to outside by the way if you havent found out Louis and Georgia had a relationship love over the internet until it ended but they still stayed friends because they knew it wouldnt work out.

"Do you think its our Georgia" he asked , i shrugged

"i dont know we will find out tomorrow or whenever we do" i said before going back into the room to see my 5 best friends.

great life but it sucks because i am the girl , yes only girl in the friendship 

HIYA LOVES:3 HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER!!! hehehe right the girl in the picture is going now _xx georgia xx

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