Beyond help

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LV-648 "Darkling Claim", Market square

David had been right about the riot in the market square. Sixteen days before he and Nigel had found themselves there it had been a scene of bloodshed.

People turned on each other in violent frenzy, tearing at each other with teeth and bare hands. Oblivious to the damage they did to themselves and their surroundings. Everywhere food was, people fought over it, gorging themselves when they could, attacking others when they could not. Some tried to run but were dragged down.

There was no talking, just snarling, and guttural screams, like the people had reverted to animals.

The Colony's two security officers, Yaris and Halid, arrived at a run, sliding to a halt at the sign. Commander Yaris pushed his way forward, rifle sweeping left and right, looking for the source or reason for this madness. Officer Halid closed behind him, eyes wide in disbelief.

"All right break it up!," the commander bellowed to be heard above the noise, but the crowd ignored him.

"We can't just start shooting everyone," Halid whimpered.

One of the crowd turned to the pair. She dropped into a crouch and with a snarl leapt towards them. Yaris used his rifle but to fend the momentum of the charge and the woman rolled to one side.

"Fire over their heads!" He called to Halid over his shoulder watching the woman who rolled back into a crouch, but seemed to have forgotten about him already.

Halid half raised his rifle at the order, but... these were his friends. He knew these people. Everyone in this colony knew everyone else. How could this happen?

He is almost too slow to fend off a wild attack from his side. Using his rifle, he pushes the assailant back, but the rifle is ripped form his hands. A moment later a second attacker lands heavily on his back, bearing Halid to the ground.

Yaris turns at the scream, just for a second, but long enough for the woman to launch a second attack at him. He catches her again, but she bites deep into his arm, before he can force her back again. He raises his rifle and fires into the air twice.

The woman does not seem to notice, but leaps past him to Halid, who is already under a pile of bodies, his screams turning to visceral sounds as his throat is bitten out.

Yaris backs away, using the death of Halid as cover for his escape.

LV-648 "Darkling Claim", Medical

Sixteen days later, David, still carrying Halid's rifle, pushed against the door to the colony's medical facility. The door opened easily, and David paused at the door to allow his eyes to adjust.

He had hoped to find some survivors, but a glance at the room told him this was unlikely. It is a mess. Equipment has been knocked down and papers scattered. There didn't seem to be any method to the chaos; it was as if a wild animal had been let loose.

Nigel, seemingly recovered from the earlier distress, moved into the room behind him and immediately began to gather the scattered papers. David left it to tidy, while he moved slowly around the room to be sure it was empty. Apart from the door they had come in, and a heavy door to a freezer room, there were no other entrances or exits. Why had people not taken refuge here?

Or perhaps they had, and it hadn't worked.

"Subjects show a rapid degradation in cognitive function." Nigel read from a paper it was scanning. "A slurring of speech and reduced coordination. They report a tingling or numbness in the extremities and are unaware of pain, heat or pressure on their hands and feet. Is this a neurological condition?"

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