Chapter 1

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       "Morning, baby," you say as you peck your beloved husband on the cheek while tending to the few dishes that were left from last night's dinner.
"Morning, Princess. Happy Anniversary." You smile contently to yourself. Your eyes light up with excitement as you daydream about your plans for the day. You see, you and Bakugo's 5th anniversary was today, and you planned one he wouldn't forget.
"Can we go to the park today?" you ask innocently. You could barely contain your excitement when you received his answer. "Whatever you want, baby."
                                    * * *
It was now dark, and you made your way to your planned spot. You had been out all day and all of your planned activities were a success, but now it was time for the main event. You run ahead as Katsuki's phone blares with a phone call. You grab the black velvet box and patiently wait for him to finish talking. Thankfully, the conversation ended quickly and he slinks his way back towards you.
       "What are you doing, dumbass?" You saw a slight hint of fluster in his eyes, but against your better judgment, you ignored it. You kissed him on the cheek before handing him the box from earlier.
       "Happy Anniversary, Blasty Boi~" He growls at the nickname and almost lets out a protest, but you shove the present towards him in an attempt to encourage him. Katsuki opens the box and his scowl softens and slowly curves up into a smile.
       "Thank you, baby."
The box contained a bracelet that was engraved with both your initials as well as the year you got together. He looks up at you, a soft smile adorning his features, and your stomach erupts with butterflies.
       "Yeah, yeah. You don't have to cry about it," you tease. His soft smile quickly curves down and his signature scowl clouds his face again.
       "NOBODY IS FUCKING CRYING YOU BRAT! THIS IS WHY WE CAN NEVER HAVE A NICE MOMENT!" You call best friend, walking away from a still screaming Bakugo that insists on ranting about your childish behavior, and talk loud enough for him to hear.
       "Yeah, Mina, he liked the gift.  He even CRIED about it!" You make a run for it as Katsuki's face reddens.
       "NOBODY FUCKING CRIED, RACOON EYES!" He yells, targeting the person on the other end of the phone, as he chases you back to the car.
* * *
He parks the car in the driveway as you fish in your bag to find the keys.
"Hey baby, who called you when we were in the park?"
He looks away from you, and you feel the sudden change in the atmosphere.
"Huh? Oh, that was...Momo." His voice gradually gets lower until the last word is an incoherent mumble. You still catch it nonetheless.
"Why was she calling you?"
The silence in the car was deafening.
"Bakugo, why is your ex calling you?"
Nothing. He scratches his neck as he searches for something to say.
"Wow, Bakugo. Okay."
"Princess, you know that's not what I..." He started as you rush out of the car and struggle to fit the key in the lock, your eyes glazed over.
"No, Katsuki, whatever." You mutter. "Why would you want to marry a cow like me anyway when you have a rich bitch with tits the size of Tokyo?" You spat.
You knew better, but the truth was that you never really understood why he chose you over her, and to have the topic of your anniversary night be her was not exactly an ideal situation.
"(Y/N), now you're just overreacting..." Your husband trailed you as you rushed to distance yourself from him. You knew you were overreacting but it hurt that he couldn't tell you what they talked about for such a long period of time. You run into the guest room and don't come out for the night.

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