•~* " Whatever you want " *~•

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•~* Shinso POV *~•

" y-you l-like m-me?! " Izuku said already red from the sudden kiss. " yes. I do Izuku " I say as I pull him closer, I can feel him getting warmer. " so, what should we do then? " I say smirking at him. He noticed and started to blush a lot. " u-um, well we could d-date! " he said trying to say everything properly.

" sure. " I say as I wrap my arms around Izuku. And smile, he started to blush even more. " how about we watch another movie? " I say calmly trying to calm the tomato down. " s-sure! " I turned the tv back on and put mean girls on.

I lay on the couch, I grab izukus wrist and pull him right by me. His head in my chest. He became a tomato again, so cute.  I kiss the top of his head , as I lay my head on top of his. He blushed but smiles. Izuku hugged me and wrapped his legs around me.

I blushed and then we fell asleep," GAY CHILDREN WAKE UPPPPPPP " my father was screaming. I woke up quickly " d-dad? " crap he saw us. " and you said you weren't gay! Hah! I knew that was a lie! " he said confidently. " I lied for a reason. " I say trying to get my dad to leave us alone, " Izuku is sleeping, be quiet dad. "

My father got the message then went back to his room. I looked at Izuku, Sksksks omfg!!! He looks so cute sleeping. 😤 I need to touch his hair it look so fluffy! I moved my hand to Izuku hand then started ruffling my fingers through his soft, fluffy hair. Izuku woke up and went red.

" good morning~ " I say slightly smirking Izuku went red. " so what should we do? Hmm we could swim. Does that sound fun Izuku? " I say trying to get him flustered, it worked. " y-ya sure shinso! " he says as he gets up to change.
A couple minutes later we walk out to my pool, and I jump in splashing Izuku. " hey! " Izuku exclaimed.

He jumped in after me and splashed me, it became a full out splash fight until... I bumped into Izuku. We were face to face Izuku went red and quickly looked away, I blushed but grabbed his chin and turned his face back towards me. I kisses Izuku, passionately. Izuku was red and let me do whatever.

I pulled away, Izuku took in a deep breath of air, " was that fun? " i said teasingly. He went even redder, " y-y-...-ya ". We dry
Off and go back inside.  Izuku lays on my bed tired, " do you want to go to sleep Izuku? " I say getting really close. " y-ya " he said still blushing a lot.

" then sleep. I can sleep with you, if you'd like. " I say slightly smirking at him. " YES! I-I -I mean sure! " he said so embarrassed. " ok, get changed first, I don't want you to sleep in jeans. " after I say that I turn around letting him change.

After we both changed he laid down on the bed I laid right next to him. He closes his eyes and tries to sleep, but all I want to do right now is kiss him. I grabbed his back and pushed him closer as I start to kiss him, a lot.

Izuku went red, after about 5 minutes of me kissing him, him gasping for air, him holding onto me, then me kissing him. He finally pulled back and said " i-i need s-sleep... " he said so flustered. " ok Izuku " I say calmly as he closes his eyes. I wrap my arm around him scoot closer, and say " whatever you want. "

Sorry for the short chapter. It's one am and I'm tired 😂 I hope you liked this chapter! Gn!

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