Chapter One - The Awakening

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I opened my eyes and it felt as if I had awoken from a deep sleep, though it wasn't the most peaceful awakening. Panic rushed over me as I realised that I was under water. I clawed myself to the surface and took a deep breath as if it were my last. I soon began to realise that I was in a river, the waters were calm, yet the black water looked as if a giant monster lurked within its depths. I swam to the shore, afraid to be pulled back within the river's depths once more.

I clambered onto the stony shore, exhaustion washing over me. I turned to look at the night sky, it was so peaceful. The peace didn't last long as a sudden pain rushed over me and I forced myself not to scream. There was blood. Blood everywhere. "How did this happen?" I wondered to myself in panic. I tried to think but I couldn't remember a thing. I couldn't remember who I am, where I am or what's happened to me. Despite all that, I had a gut feeling that I wasn't safe here lying on the riverbank.

I stumbled to my feet and made my way up the nearby steps. Pain seared with every step I took, limping up the steps. I looked down at my body, "Armour? Where the hell did, I get armour from? Why didn't it cause me to drown?" The plates of the armour beamed the colours of blue and white and were marked with symbols that I don't know. I reached the top of the steps and was level with the street, I looked around and had know idea where I was. The buildings all looked like looming black figures looking down on me. The road divided, I had to choose a path. Something was pulling me in the direction of the path that travelled along the river. I limped along the path for what seemed like hours, every building I came across stood over me like a black looming figure judging me for my actions. Across the river I saw a building like no other. The middle of this building looked like a pair of ribs and within them, a fine window like no other, it had columns that looked as if there were feet on the base end. This building, I knew, was the Notre Dame. Then it hit me...

I was in Paris!

"How did I end up here? Why can I recognise the Notre Dame?" My gut feeling wasn't pulling me towards the Notre Dame but somewhere further along the road. Every step I took was a challenge. The pain from my wound hurt like pain I'd ever felt before.

I came across a building that was different from all the looming shadowy figures around it. It looked like a mother's embrace waiting for me. The windows displayed gold writing, 'Dupain-Chang Bakery'. The display cabinets were full of some of the finest pastries that I had ever seen, given I had never seen a pastry in my life. I came towards the bakery, ready for the motherly warm embrace. Yet I never reached the door. Just before I reached out to knock on the door, I collapsed with exhaustion.

Just short of a mother's hug.

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