My Owl

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A/N WELCOME TO MY STORY. Oh yeah this is also a bit more modern.

Your POV

    I've been dying to get my owl for weeks now. I run to my mail box from my foster home and grab it. They were muggles but, I taught them a bit. I squeal in excitement as I run up. "I got my letter to Hogwarts!" I yell excitedly.

"Thats great honey! Can you go help with supper?" Victori Laymex said from the kitchen.

My foster family was comprised of my 'mother' three 'sisters' and two 'brothers'. At this point we were as poor as the Weasleys.

My brother, Victor, laughed at me. "That preppy wizard place is real? What in the bloody 'ell you going to do? Light the lamps in the morning?" He chuckled. My sisters laughed too.

"If only you knew who my father was!" I stomped my foot into the ground, as I yelled. "You all would be scared to death to talk to me like that!"

"Oh, really now, because Riddle sounds like an idiotic last name!" My sister, Lilliana, sneered.

"Well that's not what my father goes by. He's lord Voldemort." I smirk at the name. It makes me feel somewhat powerful.

Lilliana snorts. "What type of name is that!"

"A great one." I chuck my phone at her, and walk to my room.

My mother called me for supper. I don't go down to eat, instead look through what I need. I grab my cash that I hid from baby sitting.

• • •

I smile and waved goodbye. Once they all left the room I threw the floo powder, that I had just for the occasion, and yelled "Diagon Ally!"

Suddenly there are witches and wizards all around me. Then I see him. Draco and Lucius Malfoy. I smirk and walk up. "Lucius. Draco. Long time."
It takes a minute for Lucius to recognize me. "Y/n. Great to see you."
"Great to see you too, sir." I grab Draco's Caramel Apple and take a bit. "You're such a baby. Malfoy." I sneer.
       I walk off to Gringotts Bank. I exchange my muggle money to gallions and walk around.

First I try on the robes. I find one plain black one that fits, and I didn't planing on paying my money. "Hello sir." I smile, I was always told I had my fathers smile.

"Oh-oh! H-hello miss- t-take that, no charge!" The store employee said nervously. Oh Lord Voldemort this was going to be fun.

Slowly but surely I got everything I wanted and spent not even a penny. I walked into Olivanders. I see Malfoy leaving. "Malfoy. What wand did you get?"

"It doesn't matter Riddle."

"Oh. Now you're testing me, are you?" I grab him by the collar. "You don't want your family legacy to be... ripped to pieces? Now do you?" I whispered in his ear. Even if I was shorter (Sorry tall girls >~<) I could intimidate anyone.


"Now. What wand."

"Ten inch, Hawthorn wood ,Unicorn hair-"

"Good job Malfoy." I smirk and walk off. Then I see Harry Potter.

My face dropped. I wait for him to leave, I hear the conversation. He got the wand that I was supposed to get. Not him. I deserved that wand more than him. I roll my eyes and walk in after him.

"Ollivander." I smile.

Ollivander smiled back, "try this, miss Riddle."

Growing up, whenever father and I went down Diagon ally, Mr.Ollivander was always nice to us.

I wave the want and knock down the bookshelf. "Sorry sir!" I smiled.

• • •

After a few attempts, his face drops. "No... it couldn't be.." he grabbed my hand. "Stay here."

I nod a bit confused.

He comes back five minutes later with an old dusty leather box. He blows on it lightly. "I was told to keep this away from young wizards at all costs.. but you my dear are no ordinary wizard are you?"

I respond with a small giggle, "I guess not!"

He hands me a wand "Twelve and three quarter inches, cherry wood, Phoenix Feather core. Give it a wave."

The moment I hold it I feel a connection. I wave it and the lights it the room go bright.

"This wand, was the first wand your mother L-"

"Don't. Say. Her. Name." I threaten quietly.

He just nods. "The first one your mother and your father had tried, they bother practically destroyed my store,  but no matter! Have fun your first year, Y/N."

"I will sir!" I smiled and wave.

• • •

When I get back home I flopped onto my bed and put everything into my trunk. My owl next to me. "I'm so excited." I say to myself and hold my wand close.


Word count: 795!!!
Hope y'all enjoyed!

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