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Chapter 0

He awoke with a start, shivering in the cool night air. His is better known as X. No one knows his name, not even he does. But, X comes from the tattoo in the middle of his chest. As he sat awake in the dark of night, he stared into the darkness, trying to pick up any movement in the shallow light.

Laying there, he can feel the breathing of Katyha next to him, the slow rise and fall of her chest. Her breaths coming at a slow steady pace. He looks over and studies her form, the way her hair seems to fall over her shoulders, the way her face seems softer and smoother, and the way that she seems to sleep curled up like a cat. He just can't grasp why she would want to be with someone like him.

"I love you," he whispered quietly into the air, knowing that she wouldn't hear him. He turns and places his arm around her body, trying to be as gentle as possible so she won't be woken. "I hope you always remember that..." Then, ever so slowly, he drifts off back into sleep, wondering what keeps him and Katyha together.

"Wake up," she whispered into his ear as she left a light kiss on his cheek. She slowly rose out of bed, but noticing he had not woken she decided to have some fun. She turned, headed towards the door, then ran and jumped on top of him. "Wake up," she screamed as she jumped on top of him.

As she jumped on top of him, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled off the bed onto the floor with a thud. He poked her nose, then jumped up and ran to the other side of the bed. Sticking his tongue out at her, he jumped over the bed and grabbed her around the waist. Slowly, as she began to giggle, he brought one hand up and placed it below her left eye on her cheek.

He thought of what to do next, but apparently she had thought of something already as she quickly stood on her tip-toes and kissed him smack dab on the lips. "Well, aren't you just adorable in the morning," she whispered into his ear after the kiss.

"Well," he thought for a second, "aren't you just a little conceited this morning, talking about yourself in the third person now?" He squeezed her around the waist, hugged her, then walked out of the room, stopping only to say, "I'll see you at school, I'm going to go meet up with Hypno after my shower." Then he walked out, not waiting to hear her response as he already knew what it would be.

He walked over to his room and took off his shirt before grabbing his new clothes. As he walked into his bathroom, he stopped in front of the mirror. For some reason he's always been fascinated by his tattoos, not just because he doesn't remember getting them, but also because they seem to change as he does. All he knows is that the tattoos were from before his accident.

His accident, now that is quite a story that he cannot tell at all. He knew what happened but for some reason whenever he tried to tell about it he was at a loss for words. It had only been three years ago when he was just fourteen.

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