Chapter 1- New Life

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Taehyung POV

Everything is not permanent in our life.. I know that but I didn't know that I have to move so soon... I looked at yoongi hyung.. 'Am I going to stay here.. Really..' I scoffed at him..

'Listen here you brat

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'Listen here you brat... I know living here will be uncomfortable but don't worry you will be able to manage in few days..' Yoongi hyung literally dragged me to the apartment.. Its not a cheap but somewhat middle.. The elevator stopped. There are only two house on the floor which is opposite.. 'I know you hate to live its the only floor which have two house...' Yoongi hyung said..

'Its your home for one year.. ' I looked at the opposite home.. 'There is a college boy staying here.. He is very good friend of jin..' I looked at yoongi hyung..

'Jin.. Who is jin..' He opened the door and lead the way.. Its a single bedroom apartment.. My furnitures were already moved here...

'Kim seokjin.. Namjoon's boyfriend.. And you are going to work in his cafe..' My eyes widened and looked at him.

'I'm not going to work in the cafe.. I will do other job..' Suddenly be pulled my colar..

'Listen here you brat... Try to be adjust to the situation.. And you are going to work in that cafe.. This one year you are going to find yourself tae.. You will learn many important things... Just understand that...its your grandparents wish..' Yoongi hyung is my best friend.. And I'm only scared for him.. and its also my grandparents wish.. So I have to accept it.. I nodded my head...

'Okay.. Meet jin tomorrow.. I will message you the address.. Take care of yourself.. No one should know your identity.. If any problem call me..' I nodded my head and hugged him.. He hugs me back.. After he left the apartment I closed the door and falls on the sofa..

I'm Kim Taehyung.. My father is the CEO of Kim corporation No 1 company in Korea.. I'm the next CEO but my grandparents made an agreement.. One year I have to live like a commoner.. That means no car, no credit car, and oh my god no Gucci.. It's really a challenge for me.. And I can't oppose to my grandparents so I accept it.. I have to wait for one year.. I have to earn my own money.. I have to take care of myself.. I wish nothing bad will happen.. I heard a door opening sound.. I think its the college boy..

Should I go to introduce myself.. Leave it why should I? The great Kim taehyung won't go to meet others.. I bite my lower lip and went to the kitchen to drink... Suddenly the doorbell rang.. I kept the bottle on the dining and opened the door...

My eyes widened... He looks so .. He bowed to me.. 'Hai ... I'm Jeon jungkook... Your neighbour.. Your grandma said that you are going to move here..' I cleared my throat..

'So...' He chuckled a little.. 'Ah.. Don't worry... I just came to introduce myself Mr...' I smiled a little...

'Taehyung.. Kim Taehyung..' He is not bad.. I want someone to be with me as a friend.. I opened the door widely.. 'Come in..' He smiled widely..

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