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Derek was walking home thing of what Stiles had said.

"Why do u feel worthless?. Your amazing!" Derek thinks. He has to tell Stiles how he feels. He runs to Stiles house, jumps to the roof and flees to Stiles window, making no noise at all. He looks in the window in time to see Stiles holding a razor.

"What is he doing" Derek thinks.

Then Derek see Stiles pulled up his sleeve realizing why he smelt like blood earlier.  Derek is waiting to see what Stiles will do.

"Maybe he won't do it, maybe he will quite" He thinks so hopefully.

He is studying stiles, realizing he has been crying.

"Why are you crying?" He wants to ask, but he knows if he speaks everything will be ruined.

He sees Stiles cut his arm once

"He shouldn't have don't this to himself" Derek thought to himself

He quietly opens the window, slips in, and closes the window without being noticed. He's about to stop Stiles when he sees something else, something fresh,on stiles's arms, right above his elbow.  A simple five letter name.  Derek stops midstep,holding his breathe as he sees his name written on Stiles' arm.

He watches at Stiles cleans his arm up, pulls his sleeve back down, and buts his razor back. Derek holding his breath not know what to do. Finally as Stiles looks like he is about to fall sleep, Derek pipes up.

"Stiles... What did you just do? "

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