Chapter 1

12 1 0

Ella's PoV;

Today's the day I get to meet the boys I've been idolising for 1 year and a half .. I've never seen them live before as I'm always busy because of me either being busy with school or helping out my dad also know as the manager of the vamps .. yes that means I know the vamps whoop there all amazing guys but to be honest I prefer the band called new hope club I found them on YouTube once and boom I love them and todays the day I have vip to meet them mum bought them for me,, my dad was gonna get me tickets for me cause yes they have a lot of money but the tickets were gonna sell out and my dad was at one of the vamps shows anyways back to now ...

I've just woken up because today is the day me and my best friend holly meet new hope club for the first time I get to wear all my merch and my Reece custom vans yes Iknow what your all thinking you still like boybands and your 16 so what ahaha

I've just got out of bed and hopped into the shower trying not to wake my parent up as I make my way to the bathroom.... after finishing everything I need to do in the shower it's now 5:25 and I head back to my room going to get changed for the day

I put on my baggy mom jeans ,, a nhc merch top my nhc jacket and my Reece vans and do my make up so natural before doing to space buns in my hair and heading to mum and dads room to wake mum up so she can drive me to the train station in 30 minutes

I walk in my parents room shaking my mum telling her to get up to get ready so we can get holly on the way once I finally get her up trying not to wake up my dad as he has to go to this other bands concert today who I'm yet to meet

I leave mum to get get ready and head down stairs and grab something to eat and just as I finish my Apple mum walks down the stairs saying she easy to leave so I text my dad so when he wakes up he know I'll see him later

I grab my bag and head out the front door to the car and hop in the front waiting for mum to come and get in the drivers seat after 5 minutes she gets in the car and I put my phone on the aux and play my new hope club playlist as mum head for Holly's house

After about a 15 minutes drive we've got holly and out now at the train station saying bye to mum
"I'll text you when we get to Birmingham i promise "
"Okay sweetheart love you stay safe and I'll pick u and holly up her at 7:30 tonight alright "
"Alright mum love you see ya later."
"Have fun girls see ya later "

I wave go bye to my mum and head on the train me and holly sit down in a too seater and hard for our 1 hour long journey to Birmingham.....


Iknow this is crap 😂😂

I'm sorry 😂

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