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I don't know what they see

when they lay their eyes on me

the girl in black with a frown edged

hoodies, sweatshirts, beanies

what they cant see is

the little scared girl inside

who grew up too fast to even stay alive

who saw too much as life took out

the blindfold from her eyes;

Either way, they can be mesmerized

by my raven hair but seems to not notice

the darkness behind my pitch black eyes

I don't know if youre blind but I will be the same

too terrified to touch or to be touched

as the skin I have carried since

the mere contact will coax you

to burn with me alive.

-She tried to justify that they were better this way: him, her, distance and some unwanted petty crowd, just the way it used to be.

THE GIRL WHO SPOKE POETRYWhere stories live. Discover now