•Chapter forty three

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Stella's pov

"Passenger please buckle your seats, we will be landing in 15 minutes. Once again please buckle your seats we will be landing in 15 minutes" I watch the light turn on to buckle our seats wondering how Harry was doing on his plane. He has Niall and Louis with him so he wasn't bored but I always wonder what he's doing when I'm not around

"Hey girl buckle up" I look over to Fay who was reaching over me to buckle my belt for me

"Thanks mom" I tease making her poke her tongue out at me

"I can't wait to go to Figi, I've never been before" Callie sighs happily from the other side of Fay making me grin

"I hear it's beautiful, only ever seen pictures" I shrug taking a swing of my water bottle, I couldn't help feel kinda sad that Sophia was missing from our group, I wish that she was here with us, she was probably getting bigger and bigger my the day and we were all missing it

People grow up though and get married and have babies and drift apart. I wonder if Harry and I would go through the same thing. I've always wanted to get married, since I was a kid I didn't have many people to look up to marriage wise, but I was determined to find someone and learn from the wrongs I had been shown.

"I think we should visit Sophia before we head off to Barcelona" I say, I look to my two best friends and raise an eyebrow

"We have a week off between shoots, I bet she's so big, already 6 months along" Fay says biting her lip in debate

"I'll talk to Paula and can probably make it happen" I grin

Finally after what seemed like forever the plane was finally touching down in Fiji and we were off to the hotel. I get a text from Harry right away asking if I could go to his room, it is only a floor above so it wasn't to far

I place my bag in the room Callie, Fay and I are sharing and make my way up the elevator and knock on the hard wood blocking me from seeing my man

The door gets pulled back and a dimpled smile I can't get enough of is what greets me

"Hey there" I sing song entering the room and turning back towards Harry watching as he closes the door behind him and locking it

"Hey baby, I was just thinking and I don't want you to freak out but I figured I would ask" I grin softly and nod letting him know I was listening

"So I was thinking, you haven't met my parents. I have met your mum and not that I'm comparing but I want you to meet my family" my heart flutters in my chest and I know it's something I have been waiting for

His eyes are hopeful and I feel guilt for waiting to answer but I have been waiting for something like him my entire life and I'm finally getting it. He's my dream and I'm so happy

"You don't have to say yes-"

"Harry I want to meet your parents" I bite my lip to hold back a crazy smile and watch as a look of relief flashes across his face

"I thought you were going to say no" he sighs walking over to me so he can give me a hug. I sit in his arms with my head against his chest. He makes me the happiest woman in the world, I like to think about how I even got the chance to meet him, would I have even met him if I didn't have this job? Where would I even be at this moment

It's scary to think if one small thing in your life didn't happen you wouldn't be where you are at this exact second

"You ok love?" He asks kissing my head a few times before pulling back and looking down at me

"Mmhm, just thinking bout you" I hum leaving a kiss on his chest, Harry's hands slide up my body to my face leaving a few kisses on my lips making the heat in my lower belly burn, I sigh hiding a moan and pull back not to get to carried away. When it's comes to Harry I knew I got carried away. The way his body moves with mine, the way he kissed me, he was intoxicating and I always wanted him so badly

"Stella I love you" I smile softly

"I love you" His lips connect down to mine again this time a little more rough than previously, I move mine the same pace and Harry groans softly into my mouth picking me up off my feet so my legs wrap around his torso

"You make it hard to just stop at a kiss" he chuckles grasping my bum and slowly walking toward the bed, which my body is soon thrown gently onto

Harry's body crawls up my own planting kisses from my lips down to my neck leaving small hickeys on his way my the swell of my breast

His hands fumble with the button on my jeans before releasing the button and sliding the jeans down my legs, Harry's body rests on his knees towering over me as he pulls his shirt over his head tossing it across the room his pants soon following

He grasps my ankle leaving a soft kiss to the surface then trailing them up my calves and over my thighs. My breathing turns heavy as he places kisses over the fabric of my underwear. His hot breath and torturous kisses make my legs shake which only encourages his teasing. I watch as his lips then dance up my stomach taking my shirt up with his lips kissing and licking behind his hands.

My shirt joins the rest of our clothes across the room leaving my black lace bra, matching panties and his boxers the only clothing left between us. His hands trail their way down my body and remove my underwear and then tracing back between my soaking folds

My mouth falls open in soft pants as Harry moves between my entrance which is already so ready for him and my clit which there he rubs painfully slow. His lips connect with mine as he pushes two fingers deep into me causing a loud moan to be muffled by his kisses

His other hand which is supported by his elbow crawls behind my back and unclips my bra which I then take and toss it blindly across the room. My shaky hand roam down his body removing his boxers letting him know I wanted him now

"So impatient" he scolds playfully turning me onto my stomach and pulling my hips up to meet his already rock hard erection. I moan softly feeling his rub against me. His fingers continue to play between my legs and he grinds down behind me holding my hips with his second hand

"Harry please" I moan, I hear his chuckle behind me dragging his spare hand down my body and to my hair grasping the strands forcefully making my belly burn deeply

I grind back into his hand and erection trying to get him to fuck me already, and as if someone had heard me up above Harry lines himself up with my entrance sliding himself slowly into me, finally sliding himself fully in and pausing once there. His body then starts moving at a fast pace, so slow movements just pure fucking, desperation, need.

His hands tighten in my hair and the other on my hips as he rocks himself into my body, his pants and curses only encouraging me further toward my orgasm

"Shit Stel" he moans pushing himself faster into my body, this angle being new and exciting, not being able to touch his body frustrates me but turned me on harder

I knew I wasn't going to last long and by the feel of Harry's thrusts getting sloppier by the second I knew that he wasn't going to get much further. Harry's hands reach between the two of us and he rubs my clit fast making my elbows give out from holding my body up

"Fuck Harry I'm gonna cum" I moan out, I could feel the burn in my toes up to my lower belly, my eyes shut and whole body was tense

"Cum for me baby" he moans, and I do just that, everything goes black for a short second and I feel myself coming undone around Harry and he had done the same behind me, his body tense finishing together

"Fuck" he pants out slowing his thrusts, completely still. His body then collapsed beside mine pulling me closer to him

"I fucking love you" he chuckles kissing my forehead

"And I fucking love you"

A/n Hey welcome back! Sorry for the little break! If you didn't read in the beginning I just finished my first year of college and it has been crazy! But I'm done now and have a few months off so hopefully it means more updates!

How was everyone's summer?


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