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Welcome back, kiddos! This is my very first zombie apocalypse novel, and I'm pretty stoked. I happen to be quite fond of zombies, so I know this one is going to be awesome! At least, on my end!

As usual, I hope that you will end joy reading it as much as I know I'm going to enjoy writing it! The background for this book is a story a read on the internet a while back that I liked. I can't remember what website it was, but the idea was that a man dies during the zombie apocalypse and gets tethered to his ghost. He spends his afterlife dealing with all sorts of shenanigans. I want to expand on that, of course!

My main character, like in the past, will be a person with a disability. I want to bring more characters like me and so many others to the forefront. I have read many books throughout my life, and I don't recall ever having a hero with a disability.

Now, to let you know, this book is going to be a horror-comedy! There will be some serious moments, but I want to try and make this as funny as possible, too. I am by no means a comedian and my humor can be best described as "stupid," so this may go down like a lead balloon, but who knows? You may all get a kick out of this!

I was always hoping my first zombie apocalypse novel would feature a surviving protagonist, but it's just not time for that one, yet. I need a break from trilogies, right now. So, this is the first in a few stand-alone novels I'll be releasing before my next trilogy comes to life.

I have some many works-in-progress floating around in my beehive it's not even funny! So, strap on your zombie survival gear, kiddies. In case of wheelchair zombies, don't forget to take the stairs!

In Case of Wheelchair ZombiesWhere stories live. Discover now