Two against Five

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Jungkook was driving around aimlessly, unsure of where to take the older, when Taehyung makes an excited noise. He turns to face the boy, only to find Taehyung's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I have an idea! Let's go to the arcade! I'm really in the mood for going to the arcade!" Taehyung squeals, pulling on Jungkook's sleeves, unable to contain his excitement.

Jungkook screams in fear of accidentally running the car into a tree because of Taehyung pulling his arm violently.

"Stop screaming," Taehyung says.

"Then, stop pulling my arm!" The younger retaliates. "Jesus, let a man drive peacefully."

Taehyung rolls his eyes at the dramatic younger before looking at him with wide, puppy-eyes and a pout. "Let's go to the arcade. Please?"

Jungkook shakes his head in bewilderment. "Who's the bottom now?" he scoffs.

"Oh, trust me, it's still you," Taehyung smiles, running his slender fingers through Jungkook's soft brown locks.

Jungkook moves his head away in an attempt to stop silver head from rifling his hair. "I'm not a dog, Kim," he frowns.

"Let me love you, Jeon!" Taehyung exclaims. He huffs and turns towards the window with his arms crossed and an evident pout on his lips.

Jungkook's eyes widen momentarily at the realization of Taehyung's words.

Let me love you, Jeon!

He grips the steering wheel tighter, making his knuckles turn white, his cheeks turning equally pink as the words keep replaying in his head.

Taehyung is a clingy person. Jungkook has known that ever since he met the older. The boy always finds comfort in hugs. He feels at peace when he is holding hands with someone. He shows affection by kissing someone's cheeks. All in all, Taehyung's spirit animal is a dog.

While they were still in talking terms, it took every ounce of Jungkook's will power to control himself from kissing Taehyung.

He was always a breath away from kissing him. And, it wasn't helping that the said boy's lips were always so pink and plump. All he ever imagined and longed for was Taehyung's lips on his. The younger wanted to know if they are as soft as they looked. He wanted to run his fingers through the older's silver locks. He wanted to wake up to Taehyung holding him in his arms. He wanted the silver-haired boy to take care of him. He wanted the older to love him. He wanted to be given an experience of what it feels like to be loved by Kim Taehyung.

"So," Taehyung cuts through the eerie silence in the car, "Are you taking me to the arcade or not?"

"I am. Patience, Grasshopper," he says in a cold tone that momentarily surprised Taehyung.

His features crumpled into a frown as he tries to decipher the hidden meaning behind Jungkook's cold tone.

He sighs unknowingly, turning his head, once again, to look out of the window.

He sneaks glances at the hazelnut-brown haired boy. He notices how his knuckles are almost illuminating in the dim car from how hard he is holding the steering wheel. Jungkook wears a slight frown on his face, his jaw clenched.

From all these years of knowing Jungkook, the older has only seen a shy, extremely impulsive teenager in Jungkook. Even when he frowned, he just looked...adorable.

But now, with his jaw clenched like that, Taehyung can't help but find the younger intimidatingly hot.

Everytime they pass by a streetlight or a well-lit shop, the lights fall on his face, making certain features on his face stand out.

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