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Natsi Pov

I was walking to the guild. Natsu and the others were so focused on lisanna-chan returning that they forgot me. Other than Lisanna-chan, Mira-chan, Wendy-chan, Erza-chan, Gray-kun, and Lucy-chan. Also Laxus and The Thunder Legion.

"You know Natsi we all know why you didn't do the S-class test cause you're too weak" Natsu said

And like that my heart shattered in millions of pieces. My own brother....called me weak. I felt the tears form in my eyes.

"I mean it's obvious" he laughed

I stood up and walked upstairs. I went to the master's office and knocked.

"Yes come in" he said

I walked in shutting the door.

"M-master i wish t-to leave" I stuttered trying to stop myself from crying.

I looked at master and he had that face he had when laxus was expelled. He simply nodded and removed my mark off my shoulder blade. I smiled through the tears and hugged him

"Thank you Grandpa Makarov" I said

I often called him that when I get worried or happy. Now he's not my master so that's what I'll always call him.

I smiled one last time and walked out the door and wiped my eyes and left without another word. I went home and quickly packed up my clothes before leaving with Garden, my exceed, in tow.

"Where are you gonna go?" She asked

"I don't know" I then stopped feeling a strange magic over me

I turned and saw him and my eyes widened.

"Zeref..." I said

Suddenly I felt like my child memory was given to me and I teared up again and ran to him

"He said such mean things zeref-niichan" I said

He hugged me back then pushed me back. I knew why. So I wouldn't get hurt. I backed up a few feet before he nodded, signalling I was in an ok range.

"I can train you and give you new magic imouto" he said

I nodded fast.

"I want to be stronger to prove him wrong!" I said


And that was my life for the new year and a half. Zeref helped me do a lot of different types including

Galaxy dragon slayer
Fire dragon slayer
Iron dragon slayer
Sky dragon slayer
Ice dragon slayer
God slayer(for the above listed)
Wolf slayer
Pheonix slayer
Angel slayer
Devil slayer(for the dragon types listed)
Aera magic

I Know a lot. We trained in a place were time moves faster there. So there I was actually training for 7 years.

I even changed my appearance, with the help of Zeref. My pink hair now had black and white streaks in it. I had a tattoo on my arm that represented my slayer magic. It was a yin and yang symbol surrounded by stars, fire, iron, wind, and ice, with wings behind it. It was angel wings, devil wings, Pheonix wings and had a wolf tail at the bottom.

I wore black crop top showing off my toned stomach with my abs. Yes I worked out a lot. I also had on a pair of black shorts with some boots on. I had on some fingerless gloves as well.

It was night when i returned so I went to a near by lake to relax. I heard the sound of the water moving then saw him. Rogue.

We both processed how he was naked and was basically covered by the water. I screamed and he yelled. I hid behind a tree

"You love him?" Garden said

"DO NOT" I said

Garden went in her human form. She learned transformation magic while i learned all my magic.

"I'm dressed you can come out" rogue said

I walked out.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I could ask you the same thing" he told me

"Oh uh"

"Where did all that magic in you come from i didn't feel that at the Grand Magic Games"

"I was training and basically became the ultimate slayer" I said "also I'm not longer a fairy" I looked down

"Why?" He asked

"Natsu-nii said I was weak and I want to prove him wrong"

"Well do you wanna rejoin Sabortooth sting is the guild master now" be offered me his hand

I nodded and grabbed him hand making my wings appear. I flew off with him and with garden and frosh we left for Sabortooth.

*Time skip*

I landed in front of the guild and let go of rogue hand as I held harden who was exhausted. We went in and notice not a lot of people were there since it was pretty late.

"Wanna stay the night at my place?" Rogue asked

I nodded and he led me to his house. I walked behind him. Soon we reach his house and went in. It was a cozy place kinda reminded me of Lucy's house. Wonder what they are doing now

3rd pov

Back in Fairy Tail, people were trying to get back in the swing of things. Ever since Natsi left a year and a half ago. Everyone had a feeling on where she went to. Sabortooth.

When the tenrou island incident happen and Natsi left the first time, due to everyone saying Natsu and the others were gone, Natsi decided to join Sabortooth.

"It just isn't same without her now I missed it when she would run in here with her smile" Lucy said looking in her cup of strawberry milkshake

"Yea I know it sucks" lisanna said from beside her

"Come on she was weak i bet Sabortooth let her join back then cause they felt sorry for her" Natsu said

"How can you say that about your own sister?!" Everyone in the guild yelled

Natsu rolled his eyes. Happy was sitting by Lucy, not liking how Natsu has been acting towards Natsi.

Wendy was the worst. Natsi was basically her best friend. When they met during the co-elition mission. Wendy had realized how much Natsi was kinda like her. Natsi doubted herself and felt like she wasn't up to fighting them. When they worked together to destroy the lacrima in Nirvana Wendy saw how Natsi had a determination like Natsu, when she had her confidence. She never wanted to give up. Natsi ended up fainting then and almost fell out of Nirvana but Carla and garden caught her. She knew Natsi would be a great friend.

When she found out her guild was fake. Natsi was there to comfort her, along with erza. Natsi said something that will forever stay with Wendy

"Family is more than just a brother or sister, or a mom or dad, it's those people you can trust with your life and know that they will never let you do things alone"

Ever since Natsi left, Wendy was silent and only talked when she asked for a milkshake or to go on a job.

Fairy Tail was never the same without Natsi

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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