𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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Adaijah was sitting in Zion's qarms as he was playing fortnite. She watched as he would build and kill other players. He was really considerated on the game.

Adaijah started recording him as he continued playing. Eventually he noticed she was recording and a big ass smile appeared on his face.

He gave Adaijah a kiss on her cheek, totally forgetting about his game. He dropped the controller to the side, and grabs Adaijah's face placing a kiss on her lips.

He wanted the whole world to know that Adaijah is his, even though they're not official, he wanted them to know that she's here to stay.

Adaijah posted the video on her Instagram story. Zion went back to his game.


Adaijah walks into her apartment hoping that Kiana was not here because she know that she would be on her ass.

She slowly closes the front door; she slowly tiptoes to her bedroom. Once she makes it to the door, she opens it and closes it.

She lets out a breath of relief, leaving against her door. "So you finally came home." Kiana voices said.

Adaijah jumps at the sound of her friends voice behind her. She soon calmed down, holding her hand on her fast beating heart.

"Seriously, Kiana." Adaijah takes off here earrings placing them in her jewelry box on her dresser.

"I saw your Instagram story; that's some cute shit man." She said sarcastically. Adaijah rolls her eyes at her besties comment.

"Zion has four friends and two out of four are single, you should meet them."

"Bitch! I do not need a blind date, those are so old school and corny as shit." Kiana says, getting up from her spot on Adaijah bed.

"Edwin and Nick are the coolest people ever and you'll love them."

"First of all, Edwin sounds like a pedophile and Nick sounds like an all American asswipe."

Adaijah couldn't help but laugh at her best friend. "But if you at least just have a one on one conversation with a least one of them, you'll realize that there cool."

"No." She said sternly with no emotion. "So how was your date with giraffe boy." Adaijah hits Kiana on her arm hard, making Kiana grab her arm and laugh. "It was great you fucking hater."

"Hate. No I could never, now sarcasm.. that's my specialty." Kiana wraps her arm around Adaijah shoulders. "So did you guys fuck or what?"

Adaijah suddenly breaks into to laughter. "We did not have sex, just some light making out."

Kiana takes her arm off of her best friends shoulders and flops back down on her bed. "Hmh." She mumbled.

"What's up with the mumble?" Adaijah asked.

"It's just a mumble, nothing good or bad." Kiana said, shrugging her shoulder. Adaijah let out a scoff of disbelief.

"You thought I'd give it up on the first date, didn't you?"

"I didn't say that."

"But your "mhm" said it for you." Adaijah couldn't believe that her best friend thought so little of her.

"Come on daijah, it's not that serious, if you did or didn't have sex with him." Kiana said. She truly wasn't making the situation better. She kept making the situation worst actually.

"You know what, I'm late to work already as it is." Adaijah walks out of her bedroom with Kiana right behind her.

"Dai, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Kiana apologize, but Adaijah shuts the front door in front of her face. Kiana lets out a sigh of frustration.

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