007 ⋆ at your core 🍋

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ship: kamisero

"It's three in the morning."

Kaminari yawns and rubs the crusty remnants of sleep from his eye as Sero hitches his leg over the balcony wall and climbs into the apartment. The sky was an inky black overhead, but the city below radiated a bright shell of light above it. Sero was still in his hero costume, the visor to his helmet open, thick bangs clinging to his sweat-dampened forehead. He kicks off his boots at the door and pads his way into the small studio, brushing by the groggy blond with a toothy grin as he ventured towards the kitchen. Kaminari follows, because of course Sero would be the one to raid his kitchen at this time of night. He leans against the kitchen archway as he watches Sero rummage the fridge, pushing and pulling things towards him, clinking things together until he seemingly found something worthwhile. The light pouring from the fridge was a calm, warm white; Hanta's silhouette was as broad as the fridge itself, and traces of his skin and costume colors were carved out of its shadows. Sero turns to him with a bottle of water in hand and an apple between his teeth. The blond huffs. "What's next, you're gonna take a shower here too?"

Kaminari's back to tailing him again as Sero makes himself comfortable on the edge of the bed, a leg thrown up over his knee. "Hello, I'm talking to you, dude," Kaminari says, though there wasn't a hint of irritation in his tone. He stands akimbo, bent forward at the hip as his eyes narrow to slits. Sero brings a hand to the apple in his mouth and sinks his teeth further into its flesh, tearing off a chunk. He holds the apple at the tips of his fingers and offers the bitten side to the blond. Kaminari quirks a brow at him, then his gaze falls to the apple, oddly compelled to sink his own teeth into it. He does so, because why not? The apple is gritty and cold, but super sweet; its skin is smooth against his tongue and tastes of nature itself.

"I'll only take a shower if you're in it with me," Sero finally says. Kaminari huffs as he chews.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here so late, eating my food--" He lightly brandishes the apple towards the raven head. "--and then casually suggesting I take a shower with you. You didn't even give me a hug yet!"

"We both know a hug isn't enough right about now." Sero's grin stretches further as he leans forward, flickering out his tongue and licking at the teeth marks left behind by the blond. A sudden surge ripples through--his skin tingles and prickles up as if they were the one being tongued down. His eyes widen at the display, entranced by how his tongue flattens over the teeth grooves and sweeps over the frayed edges of the apple skin, dark eyes shrouded in a heady ardor emphasized by his slotted gaze.

Kaminari snatches the apple away from him soon after, cheeks burning and bottom lip poked out to emphasize a pout. Sero snickers and cracks open his water bottle, tilting his head back to take his first sip. Kaminari watches the bobbling of his neck as he drank, watched the thin stream of water that escaped his lips trickle down his face and disappear under his jawline. Sero pulls the lip of the bottle away from his own and sighs, licking around, teasing . He replaces the bottle's cap just in time before Kaminari shoves him back onto the bed and straddles his hips, lips twisted in a scowl as he pins one of Hanta's wrists with his free hand and the other with his forearm.

He kisses him restlessly, needily. It gets sloppy all too quickly. It's wet, gritty from apple remnants and sweet from the fruit's nectar. They brewed their own cider with a sensual dance of their tongues and seasoned it with aggressive nips and pulls. Sero sits up and digs his fingers into the blond's hips, grinds him forward; Denki gasps and arches into him, his craving for physical attention rising the more it was fed to him. Sero kisses him down to his neck and nuzzles his head back with a subtle nudge of his head. Kami obliges to the gesture and lolls his head back to release another lust-laced gasp just as Sero canters his hips forward again. His lips crawl down the line of his neck and out towards his shoulder, eventually leading back towards the apple tightly clutched in his hand.

Sero takes a bite.

Kami freezes.

Sero snorts a laugh, shoulders bouncing as he shoots him an apologetic look, though his stare remained as hungry as he apparently was.

Their kisses were even sweeter afterward.

Kaminari was ruddy in the face and sticky at the mouth by the time they were finished for more reasons than one. Sero laps at the last traces of apple juice on his fingers before licking over his lips and locking eyes with him. "Now, how about that shower?"

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