Friend or Foe

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My mouth hung open well after he left. Who was he. Did he know what I could do. Could he do what I could do.

My thoughts were interrupted by the fiery pain that was spreading along my skin. I jump up from my mat and run over to the ice and bags.

I shakily separate the ice into the bags and place them on my body. It helps soothe some of the pain. 

When transferring power from spirit to person and vice versa it can cause extreme pain and burning to the skin.

I sit back down and try to relax while the ice does its work. Panic starts to set in. What if he tells the school. I'll be an outcast. The school will tell my mom and my mom will tell everyone else. And then boom before you know it I'll become a government science experiment.

I close my eyes and try to calm down.  He seems to have gone to my school so I'll ask him.

After my pain has subsided u pack up and head home. I really miscalculated how long it would take me seeing that it is now 1:30. I'm going to be really tired in the morning.

When I get home I skip dinner and just head straight upstairs. My eyes close as soon as my head touches the pillow.

Tonight, as expected, my dreams are vivid and I'm just gonna have to try to remember in them in the morning.

My alarm blares in my ear. I groan and roll over. My dreams were filled with snakes specifically all white snakes. I'll have to look into getting a snake familiar.

My routine goes smoothly so I have time for an actual lunch today. I chose to wear a pastel purple and white yogurt swestshirt and a pair of dark Jean's. Same jewelry as before.

On my way to school my nerves start to grow. Should I confront him early or wait until the end of the day.

I decide to confront him whenever I see him. That would make the most sense.

My first class goes without a problem. I happily make my way over to my next class when suddenly I'm pulled into an empty room.

"Hey what the hell man" I yell

"Dont swear doll. I just wanted to check on you." I finally register who my kidnapper is.

"You were the dude from the cemetery right"

He smiles and nods his head. "I'm glad you remember me"

"What do you want from me."

He smiles again. "I just want to be your friend. It's not every day you meet another necromancer"

I gasp. He knows and hes one too. Thank god. My shoulders relax and I  chuckle.

" oh thank god I thought you were going to tell everyone and the government would come and take me.

This time he let's out a big throaty laugh. His head goes back and his shoulders shakes. The sight makes me smile and blush.

"You are just too cute doll. Wait for me at the end of the day." With that he leaves me standing there once again with dozens of questions.

I decide to drop and and just finish the day. I dont want to get behind in classes. Classes go smoothly and lunch rolls around. I haven't seen that guy all day thankfully. I pick a spot far enough away from everyone so if I need to use magic people wont see.

My lunch today consists of pasta salad, yogurt, a granola bar, and raspberries. To finish it off I have a thermos of hot water to make peppermint tea.

I start munching down when 3 girls approach me. I smile, " hello"

They dont sit down and the lead girl speaks up. " who are you". Uh oh did I accidentally sit in their spot. My face heats up. " I'm sorry I didnt know you sat here. I'll make sure not to sit here tomorrow."

The girls all frown. The lead girl speaks again" no dipshit this isnt where we sit. We just want to know the name of the nobody who thinks it ok to try and flirt with our man."

What on earth.

The girl on the left starts to talk too, " yeah we've been with him since forever. He doesn't talk to any other girl but us." She pops her hip out to try and make herself more intimidating.

What's happening.

Lastly the girl on the right decides it's now her turn to speak, " what are you even some type of gay whore. News flash Seth is 150% straight."

By now my cheeks are bright red. I dont even know what happened. I just wanted some lunch and honestly  I am just not in the mood.

I clear my throat and try to keep an even voice. "How dare you. I have no idea who you are or what your talking about. I would, however, if you could back off and leave me alone." I smile and grab my quickly pack my food.

They all glare at me but I dont care. I just want to get out of the room. I would leave to go to home but like I said I dont want to get behind in classes.

The rest of the day goes quickly. I catch those girls staring at me. When the bell rings I rush out the door to front door and all the way home, completely forgetting what that guy said.

I practically run home. When I do get home I drop my bags, kick off my shoes, and jump into my bed. My eyes close and I fall asleep.

My eyes flutter open some time later. My alarm clock says its currently 1:30 am. I take a deep breath and roll over into my pillow. I hear a couple of clicks but I ignore that.

"Now if i remember correctly I told you to wait doll. I dont like being ignored"

My heart drops down to my stomach. I slowly turn around and see the guy from earlier.

"You're in a lot trouble doll."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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