Chapter 6

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Believe it or not, this fight actually made us closer. We learned each other's characters better. He insisted that I moved to his place. I refused and offered him to move to mine, where I feel more comfortable. He agreed and moved in that same night, bringing with him a whole one bag of clothes. Men...what can you say.

First few days were hard. I didn't know what to do when he was around. But he was fine, his life was very structured. Work, gym, home. He took on himself most of the grocery shopping and didn't even let me take out the garbage. Told me if he lived there, he was gonna pay half of the rent cost. I didn't mind. My freelance job wasn't the most rewarding financially. I slowly adjusted. And to my surprise when he was coming home late, I felt that I started to miss him, calling him and asking when he was coming.

Sex was good. It turned out that we were very compatible both physically and emotionally. I felt that I finally found my other half.

I met with a few of his friends and he has met my girlfriends. Results were mixed. My girlfriends later told me that he seemed to be a nice guy, but there were better and more successful guys who were showing their interest in me. His friends told him, from his words, that it is extremely hard to keep a hot girl like me. What a fucking "supportive" friends we got on both sides. Instead of wishing us happiness, they found reasons to show us we were not a good match. We didn't pay attention to all the talk, we were very happy together.

It was a Friday afternoon. I was at a beauty salon doing my hair. He called me and said their friends with girlfriends invited us to join them to go to a restaurant. He asked me if I wanted to go. I said, "Sure, why not."

We arrived there by 8. His friends with their partners were already there waiting outside until the table was ready and they were called in. We greeted each other and started talking. I got some compliments from the women about my hair, my dress my shoes and so on. And then a grain of salt to my boyfriend, "Look out for her, so nobody steals her from you."

I grabbed his arm and replied, "It is me who should be worried that my bf is stolen from me."

Then one of the girls told me, "It is not that he hadn't dated beautiful women, he dated a number of them. Women love him. He is a decent guy and trusts people, but hot girls are not very reliable creatures. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you are like that, just in general." Then...a sarcastic smile.

He intervened into the conversation. "She is not like that at all. And I haven't dated anyone like her before."

"Thank you, honey," I said, turning to him and kissing him on the lips.

In order not to heat up the conversation I decided to excuse myself. "Sorry, I will go inside to use a bathroom."

I made just a few steps towards the entrance of the restaurant then I saw a Porsche Cayenne pulling over close to me and someone calling me through the open window, "Lola!" I stopped to see who who it was. A handsome guy jumped out of the car and fast walked towards me. Fuck! Please, not now, I thought to myself.

It was my ex.

"Lola, how long has it been?" He took my hands, reached out to me and kissed me on the cheek. I glanced to the right. My love was standing there with friends and they all were looking at us.

"I was driving by and I saw you." He seemed to be excited to see me. "How're you doing?" he asked, touching my shoulders.

"I'm doing fine, Serge. How are you?"

"Everything is good, thanks." He looked around, "Are you here with friends?"

"Yeah, there are standing over there."

"Will you introduce me?"

"Why, Serge?"

"One of the guys is your boyfriend, right?"

"What difference does it make?"

"Wanna see if he is really worthy of you?"

"That is not for you to judge. Please stop staring at them, it doesn't look nice."

"Well, they are staring at us, too."

"Because they are wondering who you are."

"Right, let's help them out." Serge started walking towards them.

"Serge, stop! I said stop!"

He didn't listen.

"Hello. My name is Serge. Old friend if Lola, nice meeting you," he said approaching Mike. They shook hands, and then Mike looked right into my eyes, while Serge continued introducing himself to other people.

We were standing and looking into each other's eyes as if having a silent conversation. His eyes were asking a question, and my eyes didn't know how to explain all of this. And all this time Serge was standing between us two, talking to other friends.

"I was driving by and saw Lola, so I decided to stop and say hi."

"Wow, a good friend. Others would pretend they didn't see you. Hahaha," one of the ladies joked. Everybody laughed, although I didn't find it funny.

"No, not for Lola. I wouldn't pretend I don't see her only if she was with her husband or something, so not to bother, you know. But I saw her by herself... Lola, you look incredible by the way."

"Thank you."

Serge was looking at me, everyone else looked at my boyfriend, while he just looked away.

After a while Mike finally said, "Well, she is not married yet, but she actually is with her boyfriend tonight."

"I know, I know. I guessed that already," Said serge with a smile. "I don't know how long you two have been together, but I wanna tell you, I know her for many years...she is an absolutely incredible woman.

"Really, in what sense?" asked one of the girls, showing a sarcastic smile.

"I will tell you..." said Serge. Everyone looked at him in anticipation.

Serge was still holding a pause. He turned to me. "Lola, is it ok if I tell them?"

I held a pause as well. Mike was looking at me with anger. I don't know what he expected to hear about me.

I looked totally indifferent to all of these.

"Well, tell if you want to."

"Ok, I will tell you, maybe I'm gonna be very open about this, but since you asked..."

"It is ok, tell us. It's 21st century, it is all open." The girls were all excited. Guys looked at me, then at Mike, and focused on Serge.

I saw Mike holds his fist tight and started to worry about Serge's jaw.

"Ok, this car that you see right here, my business, my house on Manhattan beach, all of these I have because of Lola. If not for her, I don't know where would I have been right now.

"I used to be a guy who lived in a shitty rented studio. All I was doing was drink beer, eat pizza and play PlayStation all day long.

"She gave me a kick, pushed me in the right direction, made me take advantage of the opportunities that I actually didn't even care about. Thanks to her I became normal, I would say quite a successful human being."

They all turned and looked at me as if expecting confirmation to what they have just heard.

"Yes Serge, I gave you some direction, but you are a talented guy as well."

"So, you were dating?" someone asked.

Serge turned around and looked at me. Then said, "No, we are only friends, but I wish we were. Ok guys, was nice meeting you." He shook hands with men. Then he reached over and kissed me on the cheek. "Lola, it was good to see you, hon. Keep in touch."

Serge jumped in his car and drove away. Everyone turned to look at me.

After a short pause, I said, "Oh, forgot. I was going to the bathroom."

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