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The Spirit of Fire was declared lot with all hands after the human covenant war. It's was last seen during and after the battle of Arcadia. Where the ship under the command of captain Cutter chased the covenant where they have taken Doc Anders, and fought against impossible odds with the crews and the soldiers courage prevailed.

After they have sacrificed their slipspace drive to,prevent the covenant from using the ancient fleet of warships. Which could of needed the war but it came at a great cost for Sargent Forge among others.

Now they have been drifting off in the void of space for who knows how long. Unluckily the flood was on board and it would of cause a disaster if it wasn't the actions of a single soldier that alerted the rest and eliminated the threat. As Serina the ships AI look over them as well preparing contingency plans and doing a bit in upgrading and repairing the ships and it's systems among other tasks.

It didn't take long as soon the have drifted into a unknown planet that looked similar to Earth. As Serina popped out and took a look at the planet.

Serina: I guess it's time to wake them up.

As she finish her oversight of the planet she began to begin the defrosting in the cryo tubes and with a small smile on her face.

Serina: Captain it's time to wake up. We stumble onto something.

It took a while for the process to make sure everyone was alright and didn't suffer any effects. And once it was done everyone in the crew began to do their duties as the engineers and techs went to work around the ship. Walking up to the command deck was Captain Cutter who put on his hat and look around his ship. He saw the troops checking their gear and making sure they are in shape. As well there were a few others with them. They were civilians they are able to evacuate to the Spirit of Fire, along with a ONI agent Named Mary Stark.The Captain wanted to drop them off somewhere to be safe. Unfortunately it was when he was told that Anders was taken.

Thankfully the civilians didn't stand around and aided the best they can and Mary have aided as well. Now after the battle was won the captain saw them as part of the crew. As he reached the elevator he return the salute of the soldiers with a nod.

As he went inside and went up the lift and soon got into the command deck where Professor Anders, Serina.

Serina: Good morning, Captain hope you had a good nap.

Cutter: Good to see you as well Serina. What's the situation?

Serina: Well it seems like we have drifted into a planet, though it isn't one I recognize.

Anders: Though it does resemble earth but with its continents different fork what we know. I doubt our ONI agent knows as well. By the way where is she?

Serina: She is with a small ODST squad examining the vessel just in case something else is In here.

Cutter: Good,still Serina how long we have been drifting in space?

Serina: I don't know captain. Ever since the battle in the forerunner world and the blast has damage the ship and drifting in space has made it difficult to know how much time has passed.

Cutter: I understand Serina. Don't blame yourself. For now we need to focus on that planet.

Serina: Way ahead of you sir. I scanned the world and like you said Prof Anders. It is indeed similar to our world the atmosphere is suitable for life and the water could be safe to drink. Alright I shed picked up radio waves down there.

Cutter: Radio waves?

Serina:*nods* Yes,though they bare no resemblance to the UNSC.

Anders: So we could be dealing with intelligent life down there.

Cutter: That could be the case. Serina, Gather want you can off the networks of the people of this world and see what we might be dealing with.

Serina: Right away Captain.

As Serinas AI form vanish Cutter looked out of the deck towards the planet in front of him. Seeing it's beauty and soon will learn what is down there.

(a/n: Hip you guys enjoy the prologue and I knew it doesn't follow the Halo Wars two story. But It will have some things of it there and about the civilians and ONI anget. I want to make it my own work and make sure it ain't to crazy. Don't worry the banished will be there. Until next time.)

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