Kamicazii: 3

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I excitedly followed Blue Moon far from Darkmount, then darted in front of her and showed her all the back-alleys I knew that led straight to the edge of Kaon

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I excitedly followed Blue Moon far from Darkmount, then darted in front of her and showed her all the back-alleys I knew that led straight to the edge of Kaon.
"I can't believe I'm finally getting out of this slag-pit place," I whisper-squealed in excitement.
Blue Moon chuckled, and I'm fairly certain she was smiling or smirking behind me,"I owe you one, Kamicazii. I was afraid I'd have to be stuck with Megatron as a Sparkmate."
I nearly choked,"Wait...what? But-but...you're so young and he's so..."
I wrinkled my nose and finished,"Old."
Blue Moon snorted,"Exactly. Besides, I want my own free choice to decide who I want as a sweetspark or not. No one gets to decide for me."
I giggled,"You sound like a rebel. Here, the femmes are plowed down by rules. Can't do this, can't do that. Did you hear Screamy yesterday? Feminine fighting style my aft!"
"Shh!" Blue Moon hushed me and once more I dropped my voice to a whisper.
"You sound like the Wrecker type," my friend said, ducking past a garbage disposal.
"Hm?" I hummed in question.
"Wreckers. My carrier's faction have rebellious mechs and femmes who put their very sparks on the edge of a blade for adventure and the thrill of danger," Blue Moon explained, coming up beside me,"Unfortunately, many of them die on the field though."
Despite that last part, I grinned,"Sounds like my kind of Allspark. (Heaven)"
Blue Moon arched an optic ridge, then chuckled,"Why am I not surprised?"
"Because I like to kick aft," I smirked, then ran on ahead and narrowly avoided skidding over loose high grade bottles.
Blue Moon's laugh put an embarrassed blush on my cheeks.

Finally, we reached the edge of Kaon and sprinted over the borderline without a second's hesitation.
I threw my servos in the air and grinned, holding in my whoop of joy for later.
But...I felt free! At last, free!
The night air felt fresher and cooler on my cheeks than ever before. The slight breeze kicked up dust in my optics as I continued to run, but I cared little for it. I ran faster and faster and faster, my energy building as I revelled in the cool wind brushing my face-plates and whipping my hair from its pigtails, blowing it wild behind me.
'Free! Free! Free! Free! Free!'
The words echoed in my processors louder than any other thought, driving me to sprint faster and faster and faster.
Until I tripped over a rock and went skidding on my face-plates.
Blue Moon ran to my side, panting heavily,"Oh my...Primus...Kamicazii...are you...alright?"
I sat up and rubbed the dirt from my face-plates and front, then grinned up at her,"I'm free!!!"
A smile broke of her face-plates and she hugged me,"We're both free, Kamicazii. Free at last!"
I hugged her back abd we sat down for a moment to catch our breath and see if we could pick out the hazy silhouettes of Cybertron's twin moons in the smoggy sky.
There was no hazy white glow, but we smiled nonetheless and spent the night under the sky, our sparks open and free!

The next morning, I woke up to see Blue Moon staring at the blazing orange sunrise.
I sat up and grinned at her,"Beautiful morning for travelling, isn't it?"
Blue Moon didn't look at me, only making a sad,"Mmm" sound.
Immediately I knew something was wrong, because I have that sense sometimes.
"What's up?" I asked, putting a servo on her shoulder-plate.
"It's just..." she sighed,"My carrier and I used to watch the sun rise every morning together. Now she is gone...and I feel so alone."
I sighed sadly,"I know you miss her. At some point in life, I'll start missing my family too...but we have to let the past go sometimes, even if it hurts to."
Blue Moon gave me a sideways glance and a little smirk,"Just wisdom from such a rebellious Wrecker."
I grinned,"Nah. I read it in a book."
Suddenly, I realized what I had just said.
"Oh noooo!" I wailed, holding my helm,"I remembered something out of a schoolboooooook!!!"
Blue Moon burst out laughing, which made me laugh, and soon we were guffawing to high Primus.
Eventually we did calm down enough to actually get up and start walking, but by then it was nearly noon and it was hot.
Because of the atmospheric dilemma from the War creating smoke, and big factories building new weapons and such, the smog caused the planet to be warmer than usual, meaning warmish-to cool nights, and scalding to humid days.

We travelled as quickly as we could, keeping to as much shade as possible so we wouldn't get overheated by the sun.
Our vents were going at full blast to try and cool our frames down, and we soon started feeling hot and miserable.
I tried not to complain, knowing this was how life was to be from now on...but still, I longed for my nice, cool, air-conditioned home-
No! Nu-uh! No way was I gonna let myself fall back on those memories! Stay focused, Kamicazii!
I trained my face-plates into a neutral expression and pushed on through the heat.

Soon we collapsed in the shade of a broken ship wing and took out some energon to eat.
I sipped some, then nearly spat it out,"It's warm!"
Blue Moon nodded,"It's the sun. Still, it's all we packed. We should've thought to bring a cooler button."
I sighed,"Yeah...oh well. It's sustenance."
I raised the energon to my dermas and tilted my helm back, guzzling the whole thing as fast as I could.
Warm energon on a hot day does not taste very good. It coats the glossa and sticks to the roof of the intake and is just overall not tasty.
I sighed again, then smiled. This...this was my new life for now. Once we reached Iacon, it'd change for either better or worse.
I welcomed both with open arms.
Okay...maybe not the worst.

The Hybrid: Book 1 in the Tibaksi Prime seriesWhere stories live. Discover now