Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


The ride to Hartford was quiet. I was nervous about the dinner and I think that Rory was too. In Hartford society, this dinner was a big deal. However, Rory and I had decided not to let their opinions stand in our way. Our families had insisted on this dinner, but Rory and I were happy with the way that things were going. She was joining me at Yale, and I couldn't be happier about that. When we pulled into my parents driveway, I sat there for a minute.

"Its going to be okay." Rory said.

"I hope so." I said and kissed her cheek.

We got out of the car and walked towards the front door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. When the door opened, the maid let us in. I grabbed Rory's hand and we walked towards the sitting room. Everyone was parents, Rory's parents, Lorelei's parents, Chris's parents and my grandfather.

"Hello everyone." I said. I lead Rory to one of the couches and we sit down.

"Logan. Your late." Mom said.

"Sorry Mom. There was traffic." I say. I get up and fix me and Rory a drink.

"You must be Rory." Mom said.

"Yes Ma'am. Its nice to meet you." Rory said.

Mom smiled. This was gonna be a long night. I downed my drink and fixed another. "How are you feeling Chris?" I asked Rory's dad.

"Better. Just glad to be out of the house. Lorelei's been hovering." Chris said.

"What did you expect Dad?" Rory said.

We all exchange small talk before dinner is announced. When dinner is announced Rory stands and grabs my hand. "You need to relax." She says.

"I'm trying. I'm waiting for the bomb to drop." I say. We walk into the dining room and take our seats. Dinner is served.

"Now I think that we should discuss the elephant that is lingering in this room." My Dad says.

"Dad." I say.

"Logan, Rory there is something that everyone has been keeping from you." Dad says. Rory and I look at each other. "We have slowly been pushing the two of you together since you were kids." Is he serious right now? "The two of you will be married when Rory is 22."

"What!" Rory yelled. She looked at her parents who were looking at their plates.

"The two of you join three of the wealthiest families in Hartford." Dad says.

"That's why you two were okay with everything?" Rory asked her parents.

Chris nods. "Ror, its for the best. However, we didn't want it to be like a typical society arranged marriage. We wanted you to find someone that you love and that would love you." Chris says.

"I need a drink." Rory says. I hand her my drink. "Thanks." She downs it in one gulp.

"Now Rory everyone here understands that this is shocking news but -" Mom says.

"I need to process this." Rory says getting up. I assume she is going back to the sitting room for another drink. I get up to go look for her. She is sitting on the couch with a glass of scotch. She stands up when she notices me. "Tell me you didn't know about this?" She asks me.

"Of course I didn't know. I wouldn't do that to you. I mean I had suspicions that they were trying to push marriage on us, bit nothing like this." I tell her. I grab her hand and pull her close. She is looking at her glass. I lift her chin up kiss her. "Hey its okay. Forget about them. Its you and me."

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