Bad News (Sneak Peek)

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OMG GUYS MY 4TH BOOK! I am SO glad! Thank ALL of you so much for reading my books! Also this book will have a different writing style

Hope you enjoy xx


Violetta's P.O.V

It's been a year since my family and I have left Buenos Aires and life couldn't be better.My marriage with Leon is amazing and the kids are doing well in school. It's just perfect.

I wake up in Leon's arms and smile at him.

Leon-Morning beautiful.

I give him a kiss. It's slow and sweet.

Leon-Happy birthday, My love.

I kiss him again and then we hear a knock on the door.

The kids come in and Carlos and Martina jump on the bed while the twins come in carrying a tray each.

Vilu-What's this?

Ally-Just our way of celebrating your birthday ,Mom.

Maria-We made your favourites!

Ally gives me a tray with croissants and fruit. My favourite!

Maria-Ok well we will leave you two crazy kids alone.

Maria winks at us and Leon and I burst into laughter as the kids walk out.

 (1 Hour Later)

Leon and I walk down the stairs and see that the living room is very clean.


Leon-They actually cleaned without being told to!

Carlos-I did the most.

Martina-No I did!

Ally-Actually I did.

Maria-No I did.

Ally-Well I supervised.

Maria-That isn't cleaning!

Vilu-Girls! Are you seriously fighting about who cleaned the most?

Maria-No because we know what Dad had planned.

Ally elbows her in the ribs.


Vilu-What does he have planned?

Leon-You will have to see.


Leon takes my hand and leads me to the car.

Vilu-Where are we going?

Leon-Get it the car.


Leon-Come on then.

I get it the car and he drives.

Vilu-Ok this is getting weird, just tell me.

Leon-We are almost there.

He drives for 5 more minutes before he parks the car and gets out.He then opens my door,I get out and then he puts his hands over my eyes.

Vilu-Leon! Where are you taking me?

Leon-Wait and see.

Vilu-Stop being so cryptic! Just tell me!


He takes his hands of my eyes to reveal a hot air balloon. Just like the one that we rode 20 years ago on my birthday.

Vilu-Leon..You didn't!

Leon-Do you like it?

Vilu-Of course I do! It's so sweet and thoughtful and...I love you Leon.

I caress his cheek and smile at him.

Leon-Well come on then!

He picks me up bridal style and we go on the ride.

I look over the edge and I can't believe how high we are!

(1 Hour Later)

Vilu-Look that cloud looks like a heart.

Leon-No it looks like a circle.

I sit up.

Vilu-I don't think so.

Leon-Fine you're always...

I poke him in the ribs.

Vilu-What is that supposed to mean?

He laughs and I lie back down beside him.

Vilu-I love being here with you, Leon.

Leon-Me too. I can't imagine living without you.

I move closer to him and put my arm around him. Just then his phone rings and we sit up.

Leon-Hello? What? You can't be serious...

There is a change in his voice, it becomes shaky almost.

Vilu-Hey babe, what's wrong?

Leon gives me a solemn look.

Leon-Antonio died Vilu...


So I hope that you guys enjoyed the sneak peek and I will be updating properly on Monday 27th October.

Sabrina xxxx

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