chapter 10

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(A.N. guys I know my writing sucks, okay? I know my story is confusing and if this story was on paper I would burn it to the ground and stomp on it. But it’s not. It’s on the internet but I don’t want to delete it. I know I’m an awful writer. I might give up writing. Oh well.)

*Kellin’s view*

She just sits there. Day and night she just sits.  Ever since she found out that she was with child, she just sits in the kitchen, gripping an empty mug while staring blankly out the window. I’ve tried talking to her but she never answer’s me. She doesn’t eat. She doesn’t sleep. She just sits there and stares out the window. Whenever I have to leave the house I always fill her mug with blood and when I return it is gone and she is still in the same position.

I walk through the doors and enter the still kitchen where I place my keys on the counter and pour myself a glass of blood mixed with alcohol. I’ve been doing this a lot. But now it’s barely blood and mostly just alcohol and I’m slowly withering away just like Katelynn is. I sneak a glance at my statuette girlfriend but she’s not there. My head whips around the kitchen searching for but she’s not in here. I walk through the entire house but she’s not here. I run outside and look around the house.

My heart stops when I see her. Her body was in the lake, floating underneath a blanket of water. I could see the blood all around her. She had stabbed herself in the heart with a wooden stake. My knees hit the dirt ground as I looked at her body from a far.



I don’t know how long I sat there.  Minutes? Hours? Days? I don’t know. But it must have been long enough to where my friends could feel my grief and track my sent, because I was being dragged back to the house by Justin and Gabe while Jack went down to the water to pull out Katelynn’s body. My entire being was numb. It’s like when you put numbing medicine in your mouth because of a canker sore, it’s like that but my entire body and without the awful taste.

Justin sat my in the living room and then walked to the kitchen to make a pot of lemon tea while Gabe went through my cd collection. After a few minutes Jack entered the house and went into the kitchen with Justin to do god knows what. I just sat there carefully watching Gabe as he started pulling out some selected artist.

“Hey, kellin, where is your stereo?” I silently pointed to the far right corner. He thanked me and placed in a cd while fiddling with the volume. Jack and Justin entered the room just as Car Radio killed the silence. I smiled slightly and hummed softly along. Slowly the numb feeling was being washed away as the song continued and Justin handed me a cup of warm tea and Jack nibbled on a donut. The grief was still there but at least I felt something. The whole house was filled by our singing as we turned up our voices and the volume.

I ponder of something terrifying

'Cause this time there's no sound to hide behind

Firework Eyes (kellic)Where stories live. Discover now