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Centuries ago the afterlife was split into three parts;

Gehenna - the realm of the Darkened Angels. You get banished here if you ever hurt another Angel after death.

Heaven - which everyone knows and goes to when they pass from a natural cause or it was their time...

And The Blue - where only a certain "group" or "category" goes to when they die an untimely death.

There were portals to earth centuries ago, before I even made an appearance in the textbooks, and dark angels would come and go as they pleased to wreak havoc on the living. Until they were closed off and that made Angels and their Darkened Brothers go to war for control which ravaged for years and years, I came to The Blue during this time and was forced into battle after my death.

I fought valiantly against the Darkened and was granted a place in the palace alongside the Royal Family and I lived in peace for years... Until another war broke out. A new enemy emerged that had grown inside the palace walls and killed many.

I was forced to flee since I was ambushed in the middle of the night and had my wings sawed off. I useless without them, so... I threw myself into The Void that was on to edge of The Blue to find myself back on Earth...

But that was back in the 1920′s... it's the 21 century now and I've been forced to stay here ever since. I haven't aged a day over 21 and have had a pretty... Dangerous life. I've been looking for the remnants of my wings for years with no hints and constantly running from Darkened Angels that have found a way to find me.

I am known as The Girl With Broken Wings... But even though my wings are gone, I have found a new purpose on Earth. That is using my ability to see wings of others to get justice around the city I have cooped up in.

Phoenix is my real name, no one knows that. No one ever needs to know because if they do... Then they already know too much.

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