Chapter 9 ~ England, 1730

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"THEY ARE IN THE LOWER LEVEL!!!!!" My father yelled just before the knife could touch the delicate skin on my neck, I kept my eyes shut from seeing what was going on around me. I was too scared to, "In the vault... With everything I have found over the years."

"Father... No!" I whispered in disbelief as I opened my eyes to see James striding towards him, "Then I guess you have served your purpose..." Without hesitation, he opened fire onto my father.

My throat contracted as I let out a blood-chilling shriek, my father's body fell forward into his own pool of blood splatter. I watched James' boots turn towards me, the metal clasps on his boots made a clinking noise as he walked; "Now what to do with you and your brothers, my dear?"

"We won't say anything!! I... I swear!!! Just please---"

"Shhhhh...." He pressed his finger up against my trembling lips, "You know I can't let that happen." My fingers wrapped themselves around something sharp underneath my knee as he spoke;

"Please... I'm begging you..." I whimpered but I only saw the edges of his mouth curl into a grin, "I could keep you as my pet." He suggested while I got a better grip on the shard of glass;

"Then you can go burn in hell!!!" I screamed as I brought the knife down to his face, he was caught off guard and didn't have a chance to avoid my attack. The shiny glass from my grandmothers prized Egyptian mirror slit into his eye with ease.

I let go of the weapon and started to sprint back the way I came, the door was still open from when I entered and the hallway was empty enough for me to make my escape. I started to run back to my room in a blind fit of fear, I heard yelling down the corridor making me skid to a stop. I grabbed the nearest corner and swung my weight down another hallway. It was dimly lit and I couldn't make out where in my house I was, but I could hear shouts coming closer and closer to me.

I turned a random knob and locked myself in the room, I backed farther and farther away from the door as shadows appeared and disappeared underneath the door. I jumped out of my skin when I touched the wall with my back, I clasped my hands over my mouth to keep myself from breathing too heavily and tried to look around me for anything that could possibly hide if needed.

I waited until I heard no more shouts on the other side of the door before I made my escape. I desperately wanted the safety of my room, I peeked around the door and saw that everything was clear. My chamber was just on the opposite side of the big hall, where I just came from.

I picked up my gown and bolted towards the main hall, the way was clear until suddenly James stopped dead in front of me. A smile crept up his face as he saw sheer fear cross my face when I stopped running. He pulled his pistol out from behind his back and pointed it at me, "Checkmate,"

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