Fresh Air

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        They had been hiding in their underground hovel for about a month now, hiding from the search parties sent out almost daily, it seemed. There was only enough supplies to last them for a week now, maybe two if they stretched, but that was pushing it. Recently it had been silent though, and Druff was considering whether he should risk it or not.

        The idea of going outside was incredibly tempting at that point, and the air had grown stale within their little hole. Roe, as always, had grown restless being cooped up inside and tried to escape once or twice, but she was caught both times due to Druff's keen hearing. They continued to wait.

        The next three days were spent not unlike the last month, bored and practically starving for fresh air. The food was also pretty much gone. It was time to emerge from their hole.

~~~Druffs POV~~~

        I dug the dirt blocks away from the staircase with earnest, wanting to feel the breeze on my face. I scraped the last piece of grass out of the way and stumbled back a bit when a wave of cool air washed over me. I breathed in deeply, relishing the coolness in my lungs.

        I climbed out carefully, keeping a watchful eye out. Nothing had really changed in the valley, other than a thin layer of snow on the ground. I stood up fully and turned in a full circle. The breeze felt good after the stuffiness of the bunker. I looked back down the staircase and motioned for Edna and Roe to come up.

        Roe burst out of Edna's arms the moment she let go, and ran up the stairs eagerly. She didn't even flinch when the freezing wind hit her fragile skin. "Yay!" She squealed, and began running in circles, looking at everything. She picked up clumps of snow, throwing them in the air, then shoved her little fingers under her armpits when she realized how cold they were.

        I chuckled under my breathe and picked her up. She wrapped her little arms around my neck and buried her fingers into the thick fur at my scruff. A shiver ran through her now. I scowled to myself, I should have made her get her coat when I saw the snow on the ground.

        Edna climbed up the stairs a little slower than Roe did, and carefully side-stepped the bit of dirt left over at the top. "Winter snuck up on us, didn't it?" She commented, a hint of wariness belying her worry they would be found.

        "Yes, yes it did." I transferred Roe to Edna, then took a few steps toward the forest. "You should be safe up here for now, but I suggest taking Roe back inside. She can't handle the cold." Edna nodded and disappeared back down the tunnel. I heaved a breath and strode into the trees, sword at the ready, wanting to find food for my family as quickly as possible.

***Five hours later***

        I came back from the forest rather satisfied, having found and slain two cows. Plenty of meat indeed. My steps were hurried, though, anxious to get back to make sure Edna and Roe were still safe. Night was falling. My stomach grumbled, the raw steaks were looking incredibly tasty... I shook my head, mentally setting my priorities straight. No bingeing. This meat was for them, and it was still raw. Sure it had been known for Wookies to eat raw meat with no ill affects, but it was best to cook it. It lasted longer cooked too.

        I entered the clearing and sweeped over it with my eyes, looking for any signs of danger. None. I shrugged and went down the staircase, covering it up behind me. Edna and Roe were sitting in the main room, cuddling together in front of the fire.

        "You hungry?" I announced, alerting them to my presence. Roe grinned happily, but she didn't get up. Edna stood up, hugged me, and kissed me on the cheek.

        "Absolutely starving." She said, and I handed over the meat. She hurried off into the kitchen to prepare it, and I took her place on the couch beside Roe.

        "Anything exciting happen while I was gone?" I asked Roe in a teasing voice, and she shook her head with a smile, snuggling deeper into her blanket. I walked my fingers over the rim of the blanket next to her face as she began giggling like a maniac, knowing something was going to happen. "Are you sure nothing... WILL?" I seized the blanket and ripped it off of her, causing her to shriek as the warmth of the blanket left her.

        She scrambled over me, trying to grab it as I held it wadded in a ball over her head. "Give it back!" She demanded, and I laughed, casually swinging it from side to side.

        "Come on, you can reach it!" She put her foot on the armrest, heaving herself up to make a desperate attempt to snatch it back. The look of determination on her face was hilarious, and I had to hold back my laughter. "Come on kitten, reach!" Steam could have been blowing out of her ears, and her face had turned bright red she was so mad. I let it slip a little between my fingers, just enough for her to be able to get a hold of the edge of it and snatch it back with a triumphant laugh.

        "I reached it." She said in an impish tone as she wrapped it around herself again. I replied by tickling her. She began thrashing around in the blanket, trying to get away but it was all tangled up around her now with no hope of an escape. I only released her when she began sliding off the couch face first and she was practically dying of laughter. I snorted under my breath as she wriggled out of the blanket haphazardly and fell the rest of the way to the floor, then pulled herself back up onto the couch and settled herself as far away from me as possible. An impossible grin was plastered to her still bright-red face.

        "Time for dinner!" Edna called, and I got up and off of the couch.

        "Come on kitten, time to eat." I offered her a hand, which she gingerly took with an distrustful eye, but I was too tired to try anything again and just helped her up. She relaxed somewhat as I took her back to the kitchen hand-in-hand, but I never stopped smiling. Today had been a success, in my book.


Ok. I was WAAAAAAY over due for an update. ;-; Im sorry. I had a really bad case of lazy, and there might be another long wait after this chapter to, but please stick with me. The next chapter will happen no-doubt. I have some actual action planned; sort of. :D

"Roe, you don't have anything planned."

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Herobrine, you don't know my mind. I said sort of.

"No guarantees is what I think she means."

I said shush.

~Have a good day!~

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