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(Regular POV)

     It was a truly magnificent morning. I never really got many of those. Yet today I finally came upon one. I was sitting in my quarters of the Opera Populaire staring out at the overcast and beautiful day. It had been raining all morning and my fiancee had been gone when I awoke. We lived in the Opera house thanks to Madam Giry. She had taken a liking to me. We had a small room in the area by the kitchens. I was happy about this for every morning I would get fresh rolls from the cooks. They liked me as well. I worked as a helper around the theater. I cleaned, helped with costumes, etc. I loved it. I could never wish for more. There was only one wish I had. To be free of my aunt and Fiancee. This might seem crazy, but I assure you it is not. My Aunt is a retched woman whom loaths me and my Fiancee is two knocks away from being a murderer. I am so very frightened of him. He would only murder me. I am his target. My aunt is who put us together. I had no choice in the matter. 

     I stopped watching the rain and went to start my duties. I ran into the kitchen and was given the roll they had made for me. Thanking them, I journeyed to the props room and helped the men there with what they needed to get out. Then I made it over to the costumes room and made sure all the costumes were ready to be taken out and worn for the rehearsal today followed by the performance tonight. I loved when it got this busy. The air was both anxious and exciting. With the people who live to harm me gone the true me surfaces. Only the walls of this magnificent Opera house knows her too. It also has been shown the horrors of my life when they are here. Not even my fiancee could ruin this day for me. 

     The day went strange though. I was carrying a heap of costumes backstage when I saw Carlotta yelling and on her way out the door. I was not surprised in the slightest. I was amused and happy. This meant the retched woman was gone hopefully for a while. She sang like a toad. With her gone the whole theater was an avalanche of emotion. It was quite chaotic. Finally Christine was cast in place of Carlotta. I could not have been happier. Christine was friendly. She did try to pry into my life and I would not let her. That was why we were not exactly what you would call friends, but we were fond of each other's presence none the less. With her cast the chaos stopped and all was right with the world. The day was coming to an end and the excitement only grew. The performance would be magnificent and I would not miss it. My fiancee would never let me see the performances, but I sometimes snuck out to see anyway. You could bet since Christine was the lead I would be there. 

    I returned to my room to meet my Fiancee's gaze. "And where were you," he asked in his normal angry tone. 

     "No worries Adams. I was a little late because madam Giry needed my assistance with some adjustments to a few costumes," I said as calm as possible. It was true, but Adams always made my anxiety skyrocket. He nodded and mumbled something I couldn't hear. "I didn't..."

     "I Said Get Cleaned Up and Ready For Bed!!" he yelled. I flinched and nodded. I could only do as told for I knew if I disobeyed I would possibly never see the light of day again. I went around gathering the things I needed and without Adams noticing, I grabbed a dress to sneak out and watch the performance in. It was black and simple with room to run around if needed. The fabric was light and made no sound. It was for a play that never happened so I was given it as a gift for my hard work by madam Giry. As I made my way to the bathroom Adams yelled something and threw a cup at me. It shattered near my head and I squeaked. I guess I had been 'Doddling'  and he didn't like it. I nodded and slipped into the bathroom. Taking a long shower in hopes Adams would fall asleep, I hummed some of the slower songs to be played tonight. I loved music. It did something to me I couldn't explain. Music was all I cared about in life. If Adams knew that he would take me away from this place and we would never return. It would kill me. 

     I finished my shower and peeked out into the room. To my relief and excitement, Adams had fallen into a, hopefully, deep sleep. I returned to the bathroom and slipped on the black dress before taking another glance at Adams and slipping out of the room. I stayed barefoot so that I could be silent. The closer I got to the boxes, the louder the music got. I passed by the Primma Donna room and felt there had been someone there, but shrugged it off and continued my walk to an open box. I remember the phantom of the opera specifically asking for box five to be kept open so I hopped the new owners listened as I climbed to it. Unfortunately it wasn't, but I knew the man as the viscount and stayed behind the curtain as we both watched with a strange fascination. After Christine sang 'Think of me' the man yelled,"Bravo!" and quickly came out of the box. I hid in the curtain and was so thankful he hadn't seen me. Sooner than I would have wanted, the performance was over and I was to return to my room. It was a little difficult with everyone going around, but I managed to get back without being seen. 

       I had been humming the songs and watched Christine go off into a little room that was where she held a small shrine like place for her father. As I neared my room I saw the door be thrown open. Adams stood there with a fury I had never seen. He came at me and grabbed my wrist. I pulled and pulled desperately, but that only made him angrier. He brought me into the room and shut the door. "You have disobeyed me! You stupid girl! I have kept you and been lenient! But NO! You had to go and sneak out! YOU PUSH MY PATIENCE!" He was making no sense. It made my fear spike. 

        Yet my blood boiled and I finally snapped. "I do not belong to you! I will not take your abuse ANY LONGER!" I have come to regret my words. You could see him snap. The murderous intent in his eyes. He threw me to the ground and hit me. Many times did he hit me before I went to yell for help. He covered my mouth and I bit down on his hand. I felt the warm scarlet liquid fill my mouth before he ripped his hand away. I wiped the blood away from my mouth and kicked at him. He grabbed a liquor bottle and broke it on me as I tried to get back up. I fell to the floor once more and spun around to face him. He lunged at me with the rest of the broken bottle to which I grabbed it. I winced as it cut my hand and wrist. I pushed him away and he stumbled back. I noticed he was intoxicated so I had a slight advantage. Adams grabbed a sword we had in the room. It was wooden and a prop, but when he smacked my side with it pain filled my body. I stumbled and smacked my head on a table when my vision go blurry. I realized I was by the door, so I threw a chair at him and darted out the door. I had a limp for I had fallen on glass and it caught my leg. My vision was blurred and the hallway seemed to be distorted. I still pushed on.

     The only place I could think to go was the Primma Donna room where Christine would be. I could hear Adams behind me. His voice echoing down the hall. He kept a low and dark tone as he called for me. "Help.... Christine!" I yelled as best I could. The halls seemed to go on forever as I ventured down them. I fell many times, but could not rest for Adams still pursued. Finally Christine's room came into view. I fell once more before reaching it and had to catch my breath. I coughed and looked up at Christine's door where I saw a hand dart away into the shadows. I looked to my right and saw a man in a mask. He did not scare me and instead I found myself staring with a strange feeling. He seemed to stare as well. I snapped out of it when I heard Adams's voice. I scrambled to my feet and saw the man reach out, but I ran past him instead. I think he may have been following me after that, but I was more focused on running from Adams. I looked behind me and ended up touching something that felt like stone. I looked down at my feet and found I was on stairs. I heard a noise behind me and saw the mysterious man. Then down the hall I saw the shadow of Adams. I flinched when I heard him call my name again and darted down the stairs. I turned down many tunnels until I found myself in a dead end. 

      "N-No..." I mumbled as I backed up slowly. I ran into something solid and turned around confused. There stood the mysterious man. I backed up from him and slid down the wall when my back met it. My breathing was erratic as I was now cornered. 

       The mysterious man crouched down and thought for a moment. He then started to sing. "I am your angel of music. Come to me angel of music. I am your angel of music. Come to me angel of music."

      I couldn't help but calm down. My mind felt clearer and I could think. "Y-You are the Phantom of the opera. Yet you are the angel of music Christine talks about..." Then I stopped and fear flooded me once more. I skittered up and said, "I must go. H-he will find me." I started to walk, but felt the adrenaline leave me as I started to fall. The Phantom caught me and gently brought me back to the ground. 


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