Chapter 2

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After her confrontation with Perrie, Jade remained sat under the same tree for the next hour, contemplating her options.

She could go, but what does Perrie want her to go for? She could just go back to her own room, but Perrie did threaten to find her. Messing with one of the strongest forces in the wizarding world is not a great idea.

Letting out a nervous sigh, Jade lifts herself from the ground and makes her way to the grand hall for supper. The first supper at Hogwarts was an annual tradition, the food you desire is instantly placed infront of you as soon as you think about it. You'd be crazy to not go to it. Otherwise, Jade would simply skip her supper and hide from Perrie. Pretending she was ill or something, maybe Perrie would take sympathy or something. Probably not.

As ususal, Jade walks alone. Her petite body looks inferior in comparison to the crowd surrounding her. Gently pushing the great, big, wooden doors open, her doe eyes scan the room for her house's table. Relief floods her senses as she is greeted by a warm welcome from one of her friends from last year, Jesy.

"Hey Jadey, how was your summer?" Jesy says cheerily, dragging Jade softly by her arm.

"Good, I went to France" Jade replies quietly.

"Lucky!" Jesy exclaims, gesturing for Jade to take a seat next to her.

Jade smiles at Jesy before filling the empty space next to her. They continue their conversation, discussing their summer and how their families were doing. Finally, the hall is filled with students and the noise of a fork tapping a wine glass brings the hall to silence.

"Welcome to Hogwarts" Dumbledore booms.

A few cheers are heard throughout the hall, followed by a short chorus of clapping.

"Thank you for joining us at this evening's supper, you may now commence with your meals"

As soon as Dumbledore finishes his sentence, the tables are instantly filled with foods of all sorts. Gasps echo throughout the hall, the excited squeals of first years experiencing their first supper shadowing them. Jade grins, forgetting about her harsh conversation with the blonde from earlier in the day, grabbing a plate full of food and beginning her meal.

Roughly 20 minutes into the meal, everybody is interrupted by the sound of a loud boom at the back of the hall. Heads spin round to see the cause of the noise, eyes landing on a smirking Perrie Edwards and a group of Slytherins.

Raising slowly to his feet, Dumbledore speaks up.

"Ah, Perrie. How nice of you all to join us"

"Oh fuck off" Perrie scoffs, earning a few laughs from her friends.

"Perrie, sit down" Dumbledore commands, anger flaring through his body. Evidently proven by his red face and clenched fists.

Raising her hands up in surrender mockingly, Perrie wanders over to the Slytherin table and takes a seat. Her fellow Slytherin friends copy, and the hall gradually returns to the previous atmosphere it had before the harsh intrustion.

Jade notices all the other Gryffindors shaking their heads and rolling their eyes at the girls behaviour, and she could easily agree with them.

"Why does she feel the need to be so rude?" a girl sat opposite Jade says.

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