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Elodie had never understood that searching for James was not an easy task, in fact, it was almost impossible

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Elodie had never understood that searching for James was not an easy task, in fact, it was almost impossible. She came to a realization, that no one ever looks for him, and more so just wait for him to enter the room. When asking his family his whereabouts, it would result to 'I don't know' 'probably off doing his own things' 'maybe serving detention' or 'you'll find him eventually if you keep looking'

Then and there, Elodie grasped why the task was so challenging. It was simple but also something a little forward—James was not someone who liked to be found. Though, despite not being good at finding things—Elodie was good at not giving up.

"You know, you are not one easy person to find James Sirius Potter" Elodie huffed loudly out of breath looking up to the said male who was perched alone in the quidditch pitch benches, though she refused to actually climb up all the stairways, so she was on the field.

James peered his head over the wall and looked at Elodie surprised," I hate to say this, but how in Merlin's name did you find me? From what I've gathered from Fred, was that you're not good with that sort of thing" He slowly smirked leaning his elbow on the edge.

"Ha Ha, very funny Potter—" She cupped her mouth shouting monotonically," Seriously, I can see your broom next to you, so get your arse down here, because I am not enjoying this way of communication"

"Well I find it rather interesting; I get a good view of you from up here"

Elodie felt her eye twitch "Don't let me use my wand Potter, you know how nifty I am with spells, and I will use it if I have to!"

He laughed grabbing his broom slowly flying down to her, but he hovered over the ground giving her a look.

"No" She quickly shook her head

"I didn't even say anything yet" He whined moving childishly on his broom

"You are going to say, 'fly with me'" Elodie mocked lowering her voice

He scrunched his nose at her mock impersonation "I do not sound like that Goldstein"

"Right, the answer is—" Before she could finish speaking, he wrapped his arm around her waist making her shriek as he threw her over his broom, quickly taking off.

Elodie had her eyes shut the moment she could no longer feel the ground, holding back a scream wanting to keep her pride in check," You know, it's not so bad" He said near her ear, making her hold the urge to retort, but she was too focused on trying not to faint or yell.

She let out a breath refusing to open her eyes," If I slip off—

"You won't" He quickly cut her off," Because I will never let you fall"

"And how many times have you used that line?"

"Never because no one trusts me enough to make me fly them"

"And you think I did?!" She retorted unknowingly opening her eyes, but instead of freaking out, she just gaped at the sight before her.

"There are your Blue Eyes I been wanting to see" She looked to the side, of James who had his face just inches away from her, making Elodie turn her head back forward.

"W-Where are we exactly?" She coughing trying to avert the attention elsewhere

"Nowhere I shouldn't be" He commented," If I told you it was my special place would you believe me?"

She kept silent for a moment looking at the empty field," Yes"

"Really?" The surprise in his voice was heavy making her chuckle softly

"Well, yes—unless you are making me embarrass myself, then—"

"I may be a prankster, and act like I'm never serious, but I never make up things like this"

"Then can I ask you something?" She said slowly

"Sure, but would you prefer to conversate up here or down there?" He nudged his head

"Down please, because I am really confident that I'll faint if we continue to just hover here" He chuckled slowly descending the broom to the ground. Once Elodie felt her feet touch the ground, all the tension on her shoulders released, making her let out a laugh," I actually lived"

James shook his head smiling," I want to be offended but I just can't with how adorable you're being at the moment"

"Oh, shut up" She hissed turning around, only realizing again, how close they were. She abruptly took a step back, making James hold back his disappointment at her actions.

It was like Elodie read his mind and let out a snicker," It's not because I don't want to be near you Potter, but I feel like talking to you without having to crane my neck"

He smirked folding his arms," SO, you don't mind being close?" He challenged

"That—" She closed her mouth shaking her head," No, no subject changing"

"Oh well, you caught me" He snapped his finger playfully," So, what is it?"

"Why did you—play with all of those girls before?" She turned her eyes locking it with his own," And I'm not asking this to Spite, you James. I want to know"

"Did someone send you to ask me this?" He narrowed his eyes

"You should know by now James, I am not someone's errand girl" Elodie folded her arms," So? Can I hear the reason?"

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