X and His Basket Part 2

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    Six brought Eight where Four is, "You know you can just leave the basket infront of Four's house right?". Eight replied "I prefer to talk numbers in person..".They reached the Tree and found Four chilling under it. He usually likes to be alone mostly. "FOUR!!!" Six shouted, Four immediately looked, "EIGHT MADE A NEW INVENTION AGAIN :333". Four got irritated "Geez Six, why do you always have to shout even the person your talking is just infront of you...". "Sorry >w<" Six said in a soft voice. "Anyway... basket!!" Six showed Four his basket and he raised his eyebrow,"You guys know you can just leave the basket infront of my house..." "That's what I said to him!" Six added, "I PREFER TO TALK NUMBERS PERSONALLLYYY!" Eight exclaimed.

     Six noticed a weird shadow figure on ground and looked up, "GASP!! AAAAAHHH!!!" "SIX WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SHOUTING-" Four yelled to Six the Six pointed up "X!". Everybody was panicking about X in a flying basket. "Hello Everybody!!" X shouted and waved down to them, but they don't know if they should wave back. "X come down here!" Four shouted, "X !! You might fell!" Six added. "I'm fine! It's actually very fun up here!" X giggled and continued flying away. Six went to find her basket and put it infront of Four and Eight. She tried to fit herself inside the basket , she moved the rotor blade a little so she can get her head in. "What are you doing?", Four asked. "IM GONNA FLY LIKE X!! WEEE!", Six didn't fly the way she expected.. I guess the basket can't float because of her weight....

     Eight laughed and so do Four, "DONT LAUGH!!! HMPH ÒMó" Six yelled and trying to get herself out of the basket

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     Eight laughed and so do Four, "DONT LAUGH!!! HMPH ÒMó" Six yelled and trying to get herself out of the basket. "Help me Get out!!" Eight went to Six and helped her. It took a hard time get her out. "Well.. X can get in to fly the basket for he is small and a bit light, Well for you Six... your-", Eight laughed, "IM NOT THAT FAT!" Six crossed her arms and kicked the basket.  Four walks to the direction X was going. X was reaching the clouds  and doesn't seem to notice, His getting far away Number Land...

     "X I THINK ITS TIME FOR YOU TO GO DOWN!!", Six shouted, "What?", X didn't hear what Six said and he continued to float. X was now very far so he thought he must come down, but the problem is... he don't know how to get down! He struggles to make the basket down "I... I can't go down!!" The Basket begins to have a little..


     "X! Don't move you might fall." Eight shouted and panicking. Everyone was running towards X. X didn't hear what Eight said too the crack became bigger and bigger. It broke into half,"AAAAAH!!" X screamed, "X!!!", Everyone Shouted. X was holding from the other half and the other fell. It fell to Eight and luckily he dodge it "oOf, that was close!" "What do we do!" Six Panicked. "The String that connects the basket to the blade is not that thick. So there is a high chance X might fall.. We must find a way to catch him!" Eight said. 

     Back to X, he was holding very tight to the broken basket. He saw the string almost being ripped. "HELP ME FOOOUR!!! SOMEBODY HEEELP!!!" X doesn't know what to do. The string was cut and the rotor blade stopped working the basket fell and so do X "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!". Everybody was shocked "X!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!" 

Four ran and stretched his hand to try catch X. He was to late. "No! X!!!"


     X said while floating down to the ground... "huh?" X was confused... Everybody was confused... "X! Your alright!" "X! Oh Thank Goodness!" Four hugged X, Six hugged X, and X hugged them as well. Eight catches his breath and reached the Three, "uHmm..hEy.. is.. eVerYbody... huff...oK?". Their was something falling from the sky, Eight looked up and it was the rotor blade "EEIIAAAAA!!" Eight dodges the rotor blade. "Phew!" Another object was falling, it fell to Eight, "OoF" .."Ow"... It was the other broken basket.

     "X... for all this time... You can float!!" Six was shocked of what X did. "I didn't know I can float, but now I know!" X happily said, but his expression fell down in a sad face. "Why sad X?" Six asked and comforted X. "My basket is now broken... It was a very nice gift given to me" X said. "You can have my Basket..." "Huh?" X looked to Four, "Wah?" "I really don't know what to do with it so you can have it.." Four went to get his basket and gave it to X. Six went to get hers to and gave it to X, "Here X! This is now yours too!" Six went beside Four and they both laughed. X became happy again "Aw, Thank you Four! Thank you Six! You guys are the best!" X cheered and jumps all around them. X went to the fainted Eight lying in the ground, "Eight! Can I have the other Baskets too? :33" Eight mummered something weird but in X mind, this is what he said "YES X!! ITS ALL FOR YOU!! ENJOY!!". X happily cheered again. X went to Number Town "Come on guys let's  go back!" Six was running and Four was holding Eight's Head and drags him home.

It was a very amazing experience for X to go fly in a basket, but then an accident happen. In the end he found out that he have a power to float! X really want to be like the other numbers... Like Four, he can do a lot of crazy things! Sometimes he abuse this kind of power and can use it hurt anyone, but that doesn't mostly happen. I hope he don't especially for the little cinnamon X...

End of Episode 1

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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