chapter 13

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Kate and moni sat on kates bed music playing softly in the background. Kate relished the brief moments she got to spend with this young boy. He was slowly becomeing her friend

"what happens now" kate asked moni
" now we wait miss kate" moni replied
"for how long" kate asked moni again
"that i do not know miss kate, however long it takes i assume" moni continued
" but what are we waiting for moni" kate enquires yet again
"for your peoples reply to the big boss mans demands" moni replys
"i see we could be waiting a while then" kate says
"yes miss kate" is monis simple reply

" moni tell me about you life" kate asks changeing the subject

"really miss kate there is' nt much to tell" moni says seeming to be embarrassed having the attention turned on him.

" please moni i know very little about you and i would like to learn more, thats what friends do is'nt it talk to each other about there lives. We are friends ar'nt we moni id like to think we are" kate implores him.
" yes miss kate i would like to think we are friends also" moni replys

Very slowly moni begins to open up and slowly begins to talk about his life.

" i come from a simple family with 4 brothers and 1 sister i am the youngest. I was born into this way of life as were my brother and father and his father before him, each and every male decendent has to follow in his brothers and fathers footsteps and become active members of the militant group. It was not of my chooseing i did not want to be apart of this life.
Kate can see the sadness in monis eyes but says nothing for fear that moni will stop talking.
Moni continues with his story, i wanted to go to school and learn things to try to break away from this life to try and make a better life for my family. I recieved many many beatings because of this it is forbidden for our young men to try and better themselves we are needed to join the militant group to make up the dwindling numbers of those lost in combat. If we refuse to join the militant group we are beaten and our sisters and mothers are threatened with rape if we defy what is requested of us we are born into this life we do not have the freedom of choice..many times i tried to run to get away to follow my dream but always i was captured and beaten. It does not do you any good to try and defy the system we are born into.
Tears start to flow from kates eyes she feels totally heartbroken for the young boy who is sat beside her.
"moni if it were possible if we could escape would you come with me? Kate tentatively asks.
" but alas miss kate there is no way of escape you are heavily guarded remember" moni replys
"i maybe moni but you are not when you leave my room, we need to think of a way to get word to my people back home where im being held. I know they will do all they can to help rescue me from this situation, it will be dangerous for you moni in case you get caught and i dread to think what they would do to you but if we were able to escape i promise you i will take you with me, is that not a risk worth takeing" kate enthuses
Moni sits in silance for a while obviousley thinking about what kate has suggested
" yes miss kate yes it is worth takeing the risk" moni finally answers
"but how" moni asks kate
"that moni i do not know at present but i will think of a way, i will lets just hope time is on our side" kate smiles at him
Moni leans forward and hugs kate hard
" thank you miss kate, thank you"
And with that moni raises from the bed ready to leave and slowly makes his way to the door. He turns at the door and says
" goodbye my friend see you tomorrow"
Moni leaves the room and leaves kate with her thought.

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