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{Ya'll were so mad when I took this down but I just wanted it to be the best it could be, but its also been how many years and I have not edited it at all so I figured I am going to just leave this here with my 14 year old glory and hope you still enjoy it as much as I did.. 6 years ago. Hopefully its still good even though the plot doesnt make a ton of sense I was just excited to write this. Please enjoy and remember, no judging cus i was 14. ok by my lovies} also go read my new story, It Pricks Like a Thorn!!!

"So, have you finished my science project yet?" I roll my eyes and look at River, the school jock. The typical teenage football player that doesn't give a damn about anything else, except throwing lame high school party's and football of course.

"Listen, stupid." I start.

"My names not-"

I cut him off. "I don't care what your name is. I didn't come to school to do your homework." I say angrily. "Do your own project."

"What about the fifty bucks I gave you?!" He yells. Okay this is getting ridiculous. I laugh at River standing in front of me, wide eyes, as everyone else in the hallway stares at me.

"You gave me that without even letting me talk. Need me to explain?" When he didn't answer I went ahead and told him. "You came up to me and said. 'Hey, I'll give you fifty bucks if you do my science shit."' I Pause for dramatic effect. "'okay thanks' then you threw the fifty at me assuming i'd do it, and walked away. I never agreed to do anything, thanks for the outfit though. I think you would know better than to pay before hand." I smirked, shutting my locker and walking away, swaying my hips as I walked, leaving River to stare in shock.

"Yeah! Slay Evanna slay!" My best friend Alex yells. He gives me a high five and a side hug. "That was awesome."

"Why thank you, a thank you very much." I bow, impersonating Elvis. Alex laughs and leads me down the hallway to where Casey was. Casey is Alex's girlfriend. She is super nice and uses sarcasm just about as much as I do. I like her.

Without saying anything, Alex grabs her hand and pulls her outside. There is a hedge of bushes combining the two buildings of our school. It's where we like to hang out. Alex leads us there and I can't help but the feeling of someone watching me sink in.

I shrug it off. It's probably just River being pissed at me.

We walk into the bushes where Casey and I sit on the little wooden bench that Alex made in woods class.

"You should have just saw what Evanna did! Ohhhhhh my god it was awesome!" Alex explains as he paces in between the wall and the fence made out of bushes. I laugh, standing up and putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Calm down Alex. It was nothing." I giggle. He laughs too, and leans back on the wall of the school.

"Yeah, River isn't that cool anyways. whatever she did, probably just lowered his social status." Casey scoffs. "He was never to my liking anyways." I hear something move in the bushes and a few twigs snap.

"Did you guys hear that?"

"Yeah, it was probably just a squirrel." Alex smiles. "Let's skip today and go bowling or something? I don't feel like being at this lousy place anyways."

"I'm down."

"Ugh. Guys I can't. I have this test in math and it's worth half this semesters grade. I actually want to go to college." Casey glares at us before standing up and disappearing through the thick wall of pure bush.

"Well, looks like it's just you and me then." I smile at Alex. "If we are leaving we have to be careful. They watch the campus like hawks." I growl in frustration. The teachers at valley high are so strict about sluffing, as they should be... But if you get caught trying to leave campus and they will give you a months detention. No joke.

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