Chapter 21

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Patience has never been Louis' strongest trait. Along with that, he never quite mastered the art of sitting still. Bless his mother's heart for putting up with him, because if it's this bad as an adult, he can only imagine himself bouncing off the walls as a child.

Rising up from the couch, Louis starts pacing again, pausing only to pull at the blinds and peer out the window. Harry was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago. They're set to meet Liam and Sophia at Holborn Dining Room in ten minutes. There's no way they'll be there on time now, and that's if Harry showed up right this second and they left.

Louis pulls his phone from his pocket. He's about to text Liam and let him know that they're running late when his phone rings, Harry's name showing up on the screen.

"Hello?" Louis answers, hoping the annoyance in his voice isn't too strong.

"Lou, I'm sorry. My meeting ran over. I just now stepped out and saw the time," Harry explains.

The sound of cars can be heard in the background, and then Louis hears the sound of a car door shutting.

"Where are you now?" Louis asks.

"Just got in my car."

"Okay, just get here as soon as you can. I'll let Liam know we're running late."

"About that," Harry starts, sighing heavily into the phone. "Something came up with work and I have to meet with a client while they're in town. He's leaving tomorrow or I'd reschedule. I'm not going to make it. It's possible if the meeting is quick, I can meet you all at the bar later?"

Louis' brows are pulled together with frustration and he tosses the hand not holding his phone in the air as if Harry is there to see it. "Harry, we had plans. This is important to Liam. He's been looking forward to this."

"I know, and so have I," He pauses and Louis hears him starting his car. "I'm sorry, Lou. But I promise, I'm going to try my best to make it to the bar afterwards in time to have a drink and meet Sophia."

"Can't you just tell this guy no? You're the boss, Harry. Just tell him no."

"I can't," Harry reiterates. "I don't know when he'll be in London again."

"Whatever," Louis huffs out.

"Lou, please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to still see you all tonight," Harry pleads.

"Do what you gotta do," Louis says flatly.  "I gotta go. I'm already late now. Bye."

"Louis-" he hears Harry say again right before he hangs up the phone. 

"Fuck," Louis curses to himself. Maybe he could have handled that conversation better. He knows he's sort of being a brat but he's hurt and yeah, he's mad and he can't help that. Harry can't cancel on a client, but he can cancel on Louis to go be with a client. The reality of it stings.

He doesn't have time to dwell on it now, since he really is late and he does know this is important to Liam.

Grabbing his keys, he heads out the door, locking it behind him before making his way to his car. ***********************************************************************

The restaurant is already filling up by the time Louis walks in. The hostess stops him at the door and he tells her his party should already be here waiting. Heading off into the dining area, Louis' eyes scour the tables looking for Liam. 

"Louis," he hears, causing him to turn back around. Liam rises from the table with a frown on his face as Louis heads back towards them. He'd texted Liam right before he got in the car that he was running late, so Liam would at least know he was coming.

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