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-Time skip to P.E (Next day) -

When the teacher gave Taehyung his locker number he entered the locker room to find it. Once Taehyung found his locker he sat down on the small bench that was in there and then saw Yoongi walking through the locker door and called him over.
"What locker did you get?"
"I got this one" Yoongi said as he game Taehyung his paper, which had his locker number and combination, Taehyung saw the combination and quickly memorized it before looking for Yoongi's locker. Taehyung's eyes widen as he smiled.
"It's next to mine!"
Yoongi quickly opened his locker as Taehyung sat down.
"Hello neighbor!" Yoongi said as he played with his locker door. Taehyung smiled and played along until the P.E teacher came and gave them their P.E uniforms. Taehyung was glad that Yoongi was next to him, but also couldn't wait to see Yoongi changing into his P.E uniform.
"Taehyung are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot"
"Huh? Oh sorry"
"It's okay"
They both sat in silence until Yoongi decided to break it.
"Tar, I've been wondering"
"What is it?"
"What's your favorite food?"
"My favorite food?"
"Yeah, mines lamb skewers"
"Yeah" Taehyung replied, now missing the Japchae his mother would make.
"Now that I think about it, I should visit my mom tomorrow"
"Does she make Japchae for you?"
"I wish my mom could make lamb skewers for me again" Yoongi said in a sad smile as he played with the end of his shirt. Taehyung remembered that his parents had passed and looked at the ground.
"Would you like to meet my parents next week? Like a sleep over?"
"Can I?!"
"O-Of course"
"Yay! My first sleep over!"
Taehyung smiled and couldn't wait to tell his parents about Yoongi.

When school ended Taehyung did the usual, follow Yoongi home andake sure he's safe before going to his own house. When Taehyung got home he quickly showered and dressed in casual clothing before leaving again to get a train to his parents house. When his train came to a stop Taehyung got on and took a seat near the door.
After a couple of minutes Taehyung got off at his stop and walked up the subway stairs and went into a bakery and bought something for his parents. When Taehyung arrived at his parents house he knocked on the door, when the door opened he saw his father.
"Taehyung? How have you been?" Taehyung's father asked as he let Taehyung into the house. The two hugged each other before walking into the house, Taehyung's father closing the door behind Taehyung, who removed his shoes and went into the kitchen to greet his mother.
"Hi mom!"
"Aw, sweetie! Have you been good?"
"Taehyung nodded and told his parents to sit on the couch as he put the bags on the counter. His parents say down on the couch and waited for Taehyung to sit down.
"What is it that you wanted to say?"
"I found him!" Taehyung squealed. His mother clapped happily  for Taehyung but his father, instantly feared for Taehyung's special one.
"Aren't you happy dear?"
"Huh? Oh yes, but Taehyung" His father started.
"Treat him well so that hes going to willingly stay with you" His father continued.
"But if he doesn't you know what to do" His mother interrupted. Taehyung's fathers eyes widened.
"What! No! Don't do that! Don't listen to her! Be nice to him"
"But if he doesnt listen, make him, you won't have a choice"
She said as she stared at her husband, glaring at him. Taehyung's father looked down at the ground, knowing what was going to happen to him. Taehyung didn't know what was going on between the two but remembered something which made him smile brightly.
"I invited him over!"
"We are going to meet him?!" She asked with a smile and Taehyung nodded as he leaned forward.

"He loves sweets, his eyes are cat like! And- he's just so adorable!"
"I can't wait to-"
"When I'm around him my heart beats like crazy! My face heats up! My heart beats loudly and I get so many mixed feelings!"
"Mom! Guess what! His P.E locker is right next to mine! Oh and I took his underwear and he got me a doll at a arcade!"
"Your love him!" Taehyung's mother teased and Taehyung nodded in response, just talking about Yoongi made his face heat up.
"I bought some cupcakes for you guys"
"Are you going to stay the night?"
Taehyung's mother clapped her hands together as she stood up.
"Right then I'll start dinner"
She left to the kitchen, leaving Taehyung and his father alone.
"Don't do anything ba-"
Before he could finish Taehyung's mother called for him in the kitchen.

Taehyung's father stood up and slowly walked into the kitchen. Taehyung turned on the TV and decided to watch a movie while donner was being made.

After dinner was made Taehyung turned the TV off and went into the kitchen to see the food on the table. When Taehyung sat down his mother also sat down and looked at her husband before speaking.
"When is he coming over?"
"Maybe next week, we don't have school the whole week so I was planning on leaving on Monday to go get him"
"Great, what's his favorite food?"
"Lamb skewer"
"Oh and his name is Yoongi and-" Taehyung continued to talk about Yoongi, talking about how his family passed, what he went through, basically everything he knows about him. Taehyung's mother nodded at everything Taehyung said taking in the information of his lover while eating.

After dinner Taehyung went into his old bedroom and got ready for bed, when Taehyung laid down on his bed getting ready to sleep, his bedroom door opened, reveling his mother.
"Taehyung here"
"What's this for?" Taehyung asked as he looked at his mother's hand, seeing a small bottle and a syringe.
"If Yoongi doesn't want to go with you willingly then, inject him with this, it'll make him sleep for a couple of minutes, but it should give you enough time to take him home" His mouth explained.
Taehyung nodded and put it in his sweater pocket and went to sleep after his mother left, closing the door behind herself.

Two chapter updates in one day! I'm proud of myself!

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