how much am I worth?

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Hinata's pov

 'it's dark. Exactly like yesterday, and the day before. Its been a while since anyone has opened the door. The pang in my chest got so violent I kinda just...cant feel it anymore. How many days have I been here a week? A month? Too long, anyway. Others are in here with me and they've all woken up at some point. But they only eat and then go right back to sleep. They're like dogs. The craziest part to me is the fact that they don't respond when I talk to them. They just kinda glare, but their eyes look dead. Like they've accepted their fate. I'll admit, the look in their eyes freaks me out... a little. 

Nobody's Pov

 *creak* Hinata jumps at the sound of the door opening. A sound he had missed. But also brought about a horridly dreadful feeling. Light streams in from the newly opened door as men filter in. They grab the kids and very roughly pick them up and/or drag them into these wooden chairs that they had in another room. Hinata tries to stand up and resist but only then realizes how limp he is. He hears a sly cackle as an all too familiar 'guard' emerges from behind the doorway. He calmly strides over to Hinata, who in return smiles sheepishly.

"Hello again, pretty-boy. How did you sleep?" Hinata shivered. 

"W-what does it mean to you?"

"awww now now it was just a conversation starter, besides I wanna know how my merchandise is." He walked closer to Hinata, almost snake-like. Hinata hadn't gotten a good look at his face before but now he has gotten much more detail than he'd like. Hinata noted his pointy sharp lips and teeth like daggers. Glaring eyes that could probably cut through human flesh. A slightly tan skin tone, that made his eyes sorta glow. It was a weird sight, almost inhuman. 

Hinata pov

I took a deep breath in a vain attempt to regain my composure. 

"What do you want fro-"

"Fifteen thousand." Hinata didn't like the sound of that.


" Fifteen thousand American dollars. Hinata shouyo, that is how much you are worth. You must be quite the pretty penny because I left before the bidding even ended. Anyway, however much it is... whoever purchased you is gonna have a nice big gap in their wallet." He cackles. I shiver, I mean why wouldn't I. I just got told I've been sold. It doesn't really sink in until I feel them close shackles onto my hands and get me to move. Now that I think about it the hallway I walked down wasn't long at all. So why does it feel like it extends to the ends of forever? Will I ever see my family, again? Help me. Im scared. Kageyama...Kageyama. Kageyama I'm sorry. Please, Kageyama help me. Please, please anyone, help me. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go.

*Click* I see the door open. The sunlight stings my eyes. But after a second the pain just kinda fades. I looked up. I was so dead at the moment I think I smiled. So this is the person who bought me...

Kageyama pov

I hit the ground. Those words hit me like a truck. "I'm sorry but we've decided to give up the case until further notice-" Why? It'd only been a month. A month. I should've gone to look sooner. I should've opened my mouth. I don't care if he doesn't take me back I just wanna find him. I want to see him safe. But now I can't even feel a thing in my chest. It's hopeless. 

The officer gives me a face I could never describe, like a mix of pure pity and horror. My cold dead eyes stared straight into his, as my chapped lips curled into a fake smile. Tears suddenly came in heaps seamlessly falling down my face. He watched me break. If he knew how much he meant to me, he probably would've started crying along with me. I watched as the officer hobbled back to his car. He stared at his windshield for the longest time. Crazy how I didn't even notice he had driven away. My mom pulled me inside only to close the door roughly.

"If you get any tear stains on the carpet I'll kill you." I chuckled. It's funny really. this is what my life amounts to. My mom who wouldn't give a fuck even if I died. A boyfriend who I don't deserve. Better yet, he knows it. A team that'll never have my back. So why do I put so much hope in them? Why do I care? I know my father sure didn't. God, why does everything have to be so difficult? Let's be real here, who really cares...about me. 

 I sigh as I pick up my jacket and head out the door. I step out and immediately start to walk. I don't even care where. By the point, I regained my composure I'd taken so many turns I don't even know how I'll get back, not like I want too. Then I feel it. A pang in my chest. Atop where my heart is. A pain I've been left without for so long. I remember Suga saying that I shouldn't do a thing. But the police have given up. But he...he's still out there. I can help him. 

"don't do anything rash" Suga's words replay in my head. 

"I don't care." I start to walk toward the pang, following it, mindlessly. The streets are getting more and more unfamiliar. I don't care. 

only once did I stop, it was only momentarily...

 "a forest. It's one in the morning and im going into a forest, perfect". I thought sarcastically. I tread carefully but quickly. My heart stops as I approach a villa. How am I supposed to save him from a mansion? It only takes me a moment to realize that the pain in my chest isn't coming from the villa. But a shed. A rickety one too. This puts me even more on edge. I walk up to the shed. Up close, I realize there is a lock. So I do the only thing I can.

*Knock knock " Hinata?" 

no response.

"Oh well, what do we have here?" 

my heart sank.

Yay 1053 words! Sorry for the hiatus. 

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