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It was 12.15 when I finally decided to come down stairs, and if I'm honest - hadn't planned what i was going to say at all.

To my surprise, my feet stuck on the landing and my throat became dry with worry. Ive never really been worried about our relationship together, we had the perfect life, house and child, plus we never really argued. It was a lovey dovey sort of marriage, both of us were madly in love with each other, at least that's what I thought.

From down stairs I heard the ring from the phone, followed by a sudden rush of clacking from her heels.

"Arthur? Yeah, we have a problem" She answered back so suddenly, as if she knew who was ringing at the opposite end of the telephone.

I tried my best to listen in and easedrop on what Arthur was saying back, but it didn't work.

I didn't know anyone called Arthur, it was a common name but nothing came to mind and I never really thought much of it until later on.

It was this moment in time where I slipped when trying to lean in closer to hear more of their conversation and tripped down the stairs. It wasn't one of these dramatic falls that they show in cartoons, but I can tell you this that it hurt just like it.

Charlotte turned to face me then ran to my study, un grasping the phone from her hand as it banged off the wooden floor.

I picked myself up, my head was bleeding and my shirt was ripped, but I still ran after her. I remember how big the house was and how far I had to run to finally catch her up.

"You stay back from me Thomas! I have phoned the police and they will be here soon! If you lay one god damn finger on me then I will make sure you never come out of that prison!".

I was so confused at this point. At first she was accusing me of sleeping with someone else and now shes saying I could be potentially dangerous?

I went in to give her a hug, tell her that it was okay and whatever she was talking about we would fix together, when things took and unexpected turn. The closest dangerous thing she could find happened to be a bottle of rat poison from when I was experimenting with dead fish to see what it would do in their insides.


I heard the police sirens from a mile away before they came and went to give my "loving" wife a hug.

She pushed me back, causing me to fall and knock over a load of Patients case files.

I was getting up, when I saw and heard the bottle smash on the floor.

She had drank the lot.

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