"I want you to touch me."

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'You can touch me.'

It started with one simple question. For Kuroo Tetsurou, his existence meant nothing to this world except for the ticking heart that 'beat' in his chest. Sometimes he would feel unbearable pain, other times he would feel anger.

Why didn't that wretched doctor let him die?

He knew the doctor would claim fame and be regarded as the greatest mind to ever grace the human race, but his feelings were indifferent towards his patients. The bastard was practically smiling when he saw Kuroo wake from his long slumber, and offered him a role in a seemingly endless play for riches. Now Kuroo sat in the darkness of a desolate apartment that once was filled with light and happiness; the people he once knew were already dead, and with his body, no one would be able to notice him.

Being transformed into a cyborg with a flesh-like exoskeleton was supposed to bring Kuroo benefits, but instead gave him attention that was clearly unappreciated.

But then she, ______, appeared.

It was out of the blue and all too sudden when she asked if she could come in. By now, time had accelerated far too fast for him to keep track of and the attention that was brought upon Kuroo and his sudden 'rebirth' was now long forgotten. The world had moved on without him, evolving to the point where they had the technology to mass produce robotic masses for various uses. Kuroo was long forgotten, but to this woman, he was there.

"Do you know who I am?"

Curious eyes, bright with color, connected with his. Shaking her head, ______ instead leaned forward into his face, smiling gently as she flattened her feet.

"But I intend to get to know you."

______ would come back every now and then, and the visits would become longer and frequent. Kuroo no longer felt irritation, instead feeling sadness when he saw her retire. Perhaps it was his human mind that was telling him to seek out a human companion, but perhaps it was his cyborg heart that decided to decline the idea violently.

All Kuroo wanted was...


'It's alright...'

Every night the dreams would play out in his mind. _____ would let him touch her, kiss her, move her around however he wanted. While Kuroo was careful to be gentle, he felt fear. _____ would always say it was fine repeatedly, and then she would disappear within a pool of red.

He was afraid, so afraid of his addiction.

Locking himself away was useless, and Kuroo knew that _____ would sit outside his apartment door waiting patiently till he opened up as he usually did. Kuroo knew she would wait for him to open his door to give her small grunts in greeting. He knew, and it hurt.

'You can't.'

He was afraid of a human, and this mere thought made him laugh. The laughter was just so pitiful, so lonely, that the knocking sounds resonating from his front door finally caught his attention. Ignorant to his human feelings, Kuroo let his cyborg heart lead the way.


The dreams that would play in an endless loop...

'...touch me...'

They came true.

Lying under the moonlight, he let Kuroo hands roam, his lips kiss, and his human heart free. The cold and numbness that cursed his artificial limbs disappeared with a single touch, and _____ would return these gentle gestures with a tight embrace. Perhaps this was a sad destiny for them to meet under such circumstances? He would have eternity at his side, but time would be eating her away. Kuroo knew what _____ feared the most, but now it didn't matter.

Touch me...

[ loneliness is a disease incurable by self-effort alone, bring another and their heart with you ]

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