Past Memories

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It seemed like hours passing by as Taehyung waited for Jimin to be let out of Chemistry. The teacher always made the students wait usually fifteen minutes after to go over everything for next week's schedule. "Hey pretty boy." Tae turned around startled when a voice spoke to him from behind. "Chanyeol!" Tae shouted out as he saw not only his crush but his other close friend. He couldn't admit that he liked Chanyeol, but the past few months have been amazing. He took him on dates to the local fair and even won him large stuffed animals. Last week, Chan won him a big stuffed tiger. He kept the tiger on his bed at all times. It meant alot considering Chan called him his tiger. Probably because of his hair and looks. Chan complimented Tae any chance he got. "So Tae, I finally got the tickets to see BTS at the night club Friday. Want to go. I know you like their music. I wish you'd sing to though, you have a beautiful voice."
Chan pulled out the tickets from his pocket and slid one in Tae's book. "You know I'd love to but we have midterm exams next week and I really need to study. " Tae said a bit unsure. Chan nodded and gave a small grin before setting off to the parking lot. Long before hand Jimin strolled out of class like a zombie. He was mumbling to himself and trying to shove notes into his bag.
"Jimin are you alright there? You look like Professor Hyde just sucked the soul out of you. For the hundredth time with week. " Jimin looked up immediately and smiled brightly hearing his voice completely forgetting the agony he just endured.
"well kinda, but I did get a 100% of the big test. I told you I could ace it. I just needed some extra help." Tae rolled his eyes and chuckled. He helped Jimin get all the papers back into the his colorful bag with decorated pins of all sorts. Jimin was the one who could go from being in a miserable state to loving you in half a second. Tae didn't know how he did it. It's always hurricane Katherina with him before, after, and during class.
"So...uh Jimin." Tae spoke softly and almost like he didn't want to say anything.
"Well..Chan asked me If I wanted to go to the club this friday...and.." Before he could even finish the statement Jimin grabbed his arm and took them off running. Tae struggled to keep his books with him at all times. As they ran down the hallway getting a few glares from students and teachers, Jimin lead them into the locker room.
After school was practice anyway. "YOU ARE GOING CORRECT!"
Startled and still out of breath, Tae just shook his head.
"Are you crazy!! He asked you out to see your favorite band! I say do it mister or else I'll drag you there myself."
Jimin always had him at a loss for words, nobody ever said no or a simple maybe without feeling a small wrath of his anger. He cared for Tae's well being and wanted him to be happy. After the breakup a few years back, Tae was an utter mess. Drinking, smoking, and even trying to hurt himself by doing stupid shit. Never again was Jimin going to let him do that again. Jimin's hatred for Jungkook only grew over their relationship. He knew it would end badly for them, but refused to say it  for Tae's sake. Jimin even got Taehyung into singing and dancing classes with him to distract the younger's mind from the evil kookie. Yes he did call him that. All the girls fought for that boy. Left and right girls stormed Jungkook's area and handed him phone numbers, gifts, food. He turned them down for one person. "TAEHYUNG! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME" Jimin shouted and even had his hands on both of Tae's shoulders shaking him like a maraka. Tae snapped out of the trance he was in and looked at him confused. "Yes. Yes. Sorry..I was.."
"you were thinking about this date right?!"
"Yes Jimin I was."
Jimin didnt believe Tae because his mind tends to wonder to weird places.
"Jimin I want to go, but what if things start drifting off into serious situations. I don't want Chan getting the wrong idea that I'm into him."
Jimin facepalmed and shook his head. "Tae, if you like him then you need to let him know. Don't bottle up. Just try bringing it up in a small conversation. I'm sure after a couple drinks you'll be wanting to RIP those.."
"JIMIN!" Taehyung blushed badly and covered his ears"
"I'm so not having sex with him. I'm keeping my virginity away from boys and girls. I'd rather not deal with it. "
Before Jimin could speak, his football mates walked in. Their foreheads dripping off sweat, the room started smelling like them and other nasty things. Some of the boys were throwing their dirty shirts and socks around the room. Tae wanted nothing to do with it till Chanyeol walked in. His perfectly sculpted body that had to made by the gods strutted in the locker room with that smile plastered to his face. Tae never saw flaws in Jungkook but now as he sees Chan, he began to second guess that. Chan has curly gray hair that always looked like a stylist did it every day. His eyes a beautiful shade of baby blue. It reminded him of the sea, the ocean waves crashing upon the shore.
"TAEHYUNG. what are you doing here?"
Chanyeol made his way to Taehyung and as he reached him, he brought him close into a big hug. The smell was enough to make him pass out. It was a mix of lavender and strawberries. He was sweating and yet his aroma was delicious. Taehyung didnt realize he was still sniffing him like he was food till chan chuckled and patted his head.
"Miss me already baby?."
Taehyung felt his heart race. His face was now a deep shade of crimson. Nobody ever called him baby. Not even Jungkook. Gosh there he goes again thinking about that asshole.
"I did and I will go with you friday. Want to pick me up around 6?" Chan smiled and picked Tae up in another hug before setting him down and changing into his street clothes. Tae tried not to glance at the amazingly tanned body of his. Chan's abs were stunning and he swore there was a tattoo. Jimin overheard the convo and jumped excitedly.
"I'm proud of you Tae. Now let's go home and find out what you are gonna wear."
"But Jimin Friday isn't until tomorrow....oh wait. I dont have an outfit."
Jimin was shocked and dramatically fell backwards as he heard those words. Tae being the Gucci king over here didnt have an outfit.
"Well come on, your mom should be at work still, you have a discount and I think it's time to spice up your game. "
"Okay. Let's go." Tae nodded as they left the locker room and heading to the parking lot. Jimin's car was always clustered with fanmail or online shopping magazines.  He was also a big fan of BTS and Exo. He had posters and cds, and even a light stick. This kid was insane when it came to blowing money left and right.
So they enter the car, Jimin insisted that they listen to BTS's new song. The car ride was long but peaceful. The clouds were gone and the sun was shining today. Usually it rains or snows since it's late fall. As they reached the store, Tae and Jimin headed inside but what caught their eyes wasn't something peaceful or calm..

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