He's back?

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Doomed Love?


Chapter fifteen

He's back?

Brooke still couldn't believe it; Godric had finally stopped pushing her away. Part of her was waiting to wake up and to find out that all of it was just a dream. It was almost too good to be true.

It happened and it wasn't a dream. Brooke told herself as she sat behind the desk at hotel reception. It was just before lunch and most of the vampires were sleeping which meant the only thing keeping Brooke busy was answering the phone and making reservations.

"Hey chicha do you mind if I hang out?" Iris's voice snapped Brooke from her day dream which of course featured Godric.

"Sure, work is dead at the moment anyway take a seat," Brooke replied as she pulled out the chair which was sitting behind the second computer by Brooke's side.

Brooke left Godric's and went straight to work meaning she didn't get to fill Iris in on her amazing night that consisted of kisses and cuddles before Godric had to return to the party, and his throne.

"I have some news." Brooke and Iris said at the exact same time.

"You first," they both replied at the same time . . . Again.

"Okay this is getting ridiculous," Iris laughed and Brooke couldn't help but join in.

"You first," Brooke insisted. She could tell by the sparkle in Iris's eyes that the news was huge; life changing even and Brooke started to speculate she couldn't help it.

Is she pregnant? Is she dying of cancer or something? Did she win the lottery? Is she going overseas? Brooke wondered hoping for good news. Brooke couldn't imagine her life without Iris.

"No you first," Iris demanded as the smile spread across her face even her skin was glowing.

She has to be pregnant! Brooke decided.

"No I insist you look like you are about to burst; literally," Brooke chuckled. Iris was practically jumping up and down in her seat, full of excitement.

"Okay well since you insist," Iris smirked and showed off her left hand by waving it in Brooke's face.

"Oh my god is that an engagement ring?" Brooke asked as she grabbed hold of Iris's hand and stared at the diamond which was sitting on Iris's ring finger. It was the perfect size; not to small but not so large that it smacked you in the face in an attempt to demand your attention.

"Ryan proposed last night," Iris squealed although Brooke's body and face were frozen in shock. Proposed? But it's only been a few weeks that's way too soon right? Or maybe it's true love maybe it really does exist and not just in fantasies, movies and books; Godric's proof of that.

"Brooke?" Iris asked as her smile started to fade. Iris was expecting Brooke to be happy for her not gawking in shock.

"I'm sorry that's really great, really great," Brooke smiled and wrapped her arms around Iris hoping it would show her support. All Brooke wanted for Iris was a happy fulfilled life.

"Really?" Iris asked not 100% convinced Brooke was actually happy about the engagement.

"Yes I just wasn't expecting it for another few months at least that's all but I'm so happy for you." Brooke replied as she pulled away from the hug. Her face wasn't frozen in shock anymore and an excited smile had surfaced on her lips.

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