chapter 9 A very special day

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It was the next day and it still continued to snow.

Desdemona: I'll be right back.

With feeling so much joy and excitement, she rushes out the door with her basket. She was just about to make it intill her brother Kuba stops her.

Kuba: Wow and just where do you think your going?

Desdemona: out.

Kuba: He walks closer to her. "Out where?"

Desdemona: Just out.

Kuba: Do you even know what day it is?

Desdemona: She looks at him with confusion. "No."

Kuba: He begins to get mad. It's our father's birthday. Don't you want him to be happy?

Desdemona: She gets upset, feeling sorry. "Of course Of course. I'm sorry."

Kiba: She holds out her hand. "I'm really glad it's snowing on our father's birthday."

Kuba: He turns around with joy. "Same."

They hear someone running toward them.

Zephyr: He comes in with goodies. Desdemona I've got you something?

Desdemona: She comes walking out. "What is it?"

Zephyr: He brings out a green bow and real crystal. "It's for you." He blushes looking at her.

Kiba: And just where did you get the money for that.

Zephyr: He turns around. Well Well. It's not important." He stares down at the ground.

Desdemona: Thank you zephyr.

With kindness, she hugs him.

Desdemona: There beautiful.

Kuba: He waves his hand. "Let's go."

They all walk in.

Later on the day.

Naraku: "Des Des?" He looks all over for her. "Damn it. Where is she?"

He was about to leave intill he herd the sound of music.

All: Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.

Naraku: He begins to get upset. "Damn. I'll just have to try again tomorrow."

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