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                                                         Dictionary result for prologue



                                 1. a separate introductory section of a literary or musical work.

                                                    2. "this idea is outlined in the prologue"

                                                                 3. Introduction or a foreword

             I was the black sheep, in a family of five. I was known as the mess up, unplanned and unprecedented. Destroyer of the family. Not needed. My parents removed me at 17. I didn't even have a job you know! I had to work my butt off just to get to where I am. And that is being taken away from me. A lot of people would say that's why I'm messed up, not right in the head, as most people would say. Maybe my past pushed me to choose my career or was it the need to show that I wasn't a mistake. If I only knew that my past would be entwined so far with my future I may not have chosen the path that I did.  

          People today would say I was born to fill the role, that I was dealt with. Sociopath or psychopath? What determines those categories? Is it the lack of guilt or happiness. Knowing right from wrong. Or is it the ability to take responsibility for their actions. Disorganized or organized. Aggressive or not. Able to fit into society easily or have a difficult time being in society? They say I was Sherlock and she was Culverton Smith. Or as Batman was to Harvey Dent. Maybe even as scar was to Mufusa. I could go on and on about protagonist to antagonist. The right from wrong. Good or evil. But who really knows should i have seen what was in my near future? I was blindsided by someone I was supposed to trust. To be able to know that they have your back. 

          Getting into my story takes a long time. But they don't know the truth I was innocent and she was not, but all the evidence proved otherwise. I say she planted it but it's my word against a supposed victim. Who do you think that the Jury will take pity on Bonnie, a supposedly innocent female student caught in the midst of a murder, or me a psychopath homicide federal agent with a sketchy unreliable past? Who would you choose? Now it's time to give you some insight into my past, maybe it would explain how I ended up here today.

I was born into a wealthy Russian family. My father was unfaithful and had an affair with the wife of a huge oil tycoon. He got all of the money making himself rich. Who then later dropped me off at his porch or doorstep. Whichever way you want to put it. This caused multiple issues due to the fact that my "step-mother" or the Lady Tremaine to my Cinderella. She had no acknowledgment of his previous activities or affair's. With me being there it caused a rift in their marriage. She wouldn't leave him though, probably because of the money or maybe it was the expensive life she was living. She was from a very wealthy Russian family, but when she told her parents that she fell for an American man. From a poor unknown background. So her parent did what any aristocratic family would do the casted her out of the family. And cut off all ties with her, no money, and no connections. She wasn't even considered a Montgomery anymore. But saying that though my father wasn't the best either he wasn't faithful to his wife or to his children. Sleeping with a mistress when mommy dearest isn't home forgetting all about his youngest child; me. My father's side of the family were very bad people often involved in criminal intent acts. He was raised in downtown Manhattan, with the family of how ever many. Who cares i never meet them. Through my childhood I was often subjected to the horror of infidelity, once walking in one my father and our maid. Thus they saying leading to a butterfly effect. Causing a ripple in my childhood that affects me to this day. The people or as you know therapists have diagnosed me as a modern day sociopath. Sociopath not a psychopath they are two different mental illnesses. Now ware near the same conditions of each other.

My life today doesn't justify what happened to me as a kid it may have pushed me to be better than then; my parents. To prove I was going to be a somebody. This was my downfall paying too much attention to my past and not much for my future. This made me sloppy in multiple aspects of life such as my job, relationships, and stability. At the time i though i had it all a loving girlfriend a stable career and a nice home. The American Life. But that's when she inserted herself into my life praying on my weaknesses getting close enough to me. So, I could trust her to tell her everything. And I did tell her everything. I just though her reactions was of a concerned girlfriend, but know I know the truth. This moment in my life lead her to take advantage of my life to control it like a puppeteer and puppet. One pulling the strings and one acting upon them. She got so entwined in my everything, she planned for me to be the perfect fall man. To play the innocent victim, that fell to a casualty of a agent gone mad reaching his breaking point.

This is my story from being a agent to a committed mass murderer. How I was now known to the world as the newest Jack the Ripper. They say i do not deserve that name and i agree with them. How can i receive a name in one instance. Being Jack the Ripper is a term of a deranged psychopath who was never caught. I can tell you two difference I'm one not a psychopath but a sociopath and two I was caught. This name is a term of a man who would not confess up to the crimes that he committed out of holding suspense over the world The world says I killed 10 women slaughtered them to the point of them being unrecognizable. I don't remember that night, the cops said I killed. If you asked me where the crime took place I wouldn't be able to tell you, any of the details of that night I remember. The only part of the night I recall is waking up in a house I don't know, with people I have never meet in my life. My mind was hazy to the point that I didn't recognize one simple command. Or even realize that I was getting read my rights. This is my story on how I can never forget the day I was labeled a criminal

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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