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"I still can't believe you gave Mao, Kentucky fried chicken." Rosa said with an exasperated sigh, as she drove down the halfway flooded road. It was raining really hard that day.

"Relax, the vet said that he will be fine. Plus, we were also going to have to go in a week for Galleta's check up. Isn't that right Galleta?" Angie replied before picking up the white, lop eared, bunny that was previously in her lap.

"Ok but please don't give Mao anymore fast food." Rosa told the younger as she looked at her calico, cat that was sleeping like a log, in the back seat.

"Ok, ok, fine ~." Angie agreed with a small smile. It wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do in the first place but she wasn't about to admit to Rosa.

"By the way are you hungry-" The older was cut off by the sound of the car beeping, signifying that they were almost out of gas.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm always hungry but I think we should get to a gas station first. I don't want to get stuck in this rain." Angie replied as she looked outside.

The sky was a dark shade of gray as the heavy rain poured down. The wind was strong as it blew leaves and small branches away with it. Every once in a while thunder would ring making Galleta's ears flop up in fear.

However, the girls were in luck. Angie spotted a gas station a few minutes after and the two very grateful girls pulled over. Rosa got out of the drivers seat and started to fill up the tank while Angie stayed in the car with Mao and Galleta.

The tank was successfully filled up however, when Rosa went to pay she realized that she had left her wallet in the front seat cup holder.

"Angie, can you pass me my wallet? It's in the cup holder." The older said after opening the back seat door that was right next to her.

"Yeah, here you g-" just then there was a loud clap of thunder that made all of them jump. It scared poor Mao so much that he jumped up from his slumber, with all his hairs on end before booking it out of the car in pure terror.

"Oh no, Mao come back!" Rosa yelled as she ran after her cat.

"Hey don't you dare leave me here alone!" Angie yelled after Rosa with Galleta and an umbrella.

The two girls ran after the cat in the heavy summer rain. "How the fuck is this cat so fast?!" Rosa exasperatedly said in shock.

"Hoe, this is this first time I've seen either of us run in years. This is a shocking experience for all of us." Angie replied next to Rosa as the latter caught her breath.

"True." Rosa laughed as Angie started to laugh with her. The younger then opened the umbrella and handed it to Rosa. The two started to walked to the back of the gas station where Mao probably was.

"Why do I always hold the umbrella?" Rosa asked as they huddled under the contraption.

"Because hello, I'm a midget." Angie responded as she looked up at Rosa to tell her that 'she wasn't that short'.

"Ya you right." The older responded with a smirk as they continued walking.  "Hey!" Angie exclaimed playful hitting the other.

In reality they did not have an insane height difference. Angie was 1.65m while Rosa stood at 1.74m.

Ok so maybe Angie was a midget.

The girls made it to the back of the gas station where they saw a bright yellow lump. "What is that and where is Mao?" Rosa asked really

"I think..." Angie started, as they walked closer. "I think that's a kid!" The younger finally said running over to the yellow lump.

"Hello anyone home?" Angie said poking the yellow lump. To Rosa's surprise it started to move and the two girls exchanged eye contact.

The yellow lump reviled the cute however distressed face of a little boy and Mao. "Mao!" Rosa happily said as she picked up her now clam cat. "Thank you for saving my cat." Rosa said to the boy.

"Your welcome." The boy said looking at the cat and then the ground.

"Where are your parents little boy?" Angie asked as she crouched down to his level. He couldn't be older the seven and their was literally no one around. They were surrounded by forest and the next closest building was a few kilometers away.

"I-I don't know." He said looking at Angie as though he was about to cry. It broke both the girls' hearts.

"Oh no, please don't cry." Angie said waving her hands trying to figure out what to do. They couldn't just leave him here. "Don't worry we can take you to the police station." Rosa suggested as she flashed him a genuine smile. "The nice policemen will know what to do." Angie added as she stood back up and extended her hand towards him.

The boy was hesitant at first but there was something in his gut telling him that he should trust them. So after a bit he took Angie's hand.

She smiled at him as they all got under the umbrella. "I'm Angie by the way and that's Rosa. This is are cat Mao and our bunny Galleta. What's your name?"

"I'm Renjun. It's nice to meet you!"

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