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"Can you tell me it?" Renjun asked as looked between the two females.

"But first you have to understand where we came from." Angie replied while petting Galleta that was in her lap. "And who we were." Rosa added as she put down her mug.

Renjun nodded as he also petted Galleta while the oldest started to think "Where do I begin?"


"Hey I'm finally back!" Rosa yelled from across the park towards Angie as the two started to run to each other.

"It's been months. I missed you." Angie said as the two hugged and then started to walk around the busy park.

"Yeah me too." Rosa replied and Angie looped her arm around the older's "Do you want to grab a coffee?"

"Make it a hot chocolate." Angie replied making Rosa laugh. "Ok, Ok, but I'm paying."

Rosa was the daughter of a rich couple in the US. Her parents constantly fought making the three them want to be anywhere but there. Rosa hated it when she saw people fight. So, the girl studied in the US during the school year and traveled for her summer vacation.

She usually traveled to see Angie and during the two and a half months that they were together, they were inseparable.

She loved it there with Angie. She was happy there, far away from her problems. It was a rest.

The two walked up to the small cafe in the corner and order a coffee and a hot chocolate. When they got their order they continued walking towards the small shops.

"I don't know how you drink your coffee like that." Angie replied with a scrounged nose as she looked at the black coffee the older was drinking. "It has to be insanely bitter."

"Yeah, well I'm bitter." Rosa replied halfheartedly as she looked straight ahead.

"No, you are not." Angie told her as she walked in front of the older making her stop. Angie's arms were crossed with a serious expression. "They make you bitter and you know that."

Rosa couldn't help but smile at her friend. "Thank you." She told the younger as she looped their arms again. "I'm glad you are here to tell me that."

"By the way, thank you for the hot chocolate." Angie said as the two walked through the cool, South American, winter, air.

Angie lived a regular life with her mother and brother. Sometimes she would go to her father's house but other then that, her life, for lack of a better word, was simple.

Sure, she loved it. The people were kind, the city was lively, and the food was amazing, but she always had a weighing feeling.

However, when Rosa came during the winter months. It was like that feeling would disappear and they were left with happiness and good times.

"Hey do you ever wonder about it?" Rosa asked as the two stood in front of a market that sold various items.

"About what?" Angie asked as she looked around the lively shops.

"About leaving. About throwing a dart at a map and deciding to leave to where ever that dart lands." Rosa said trying to explain her irrational dream to runaway in order to stop doing just that... running.

"Yeah. I think about it all the time. I want to see the world some day." Angie said as they stopped in front of an interesting shop.

The shop was small however held a large array of simple band rings. "Rings made of pure silver. If you buy a set of two we can etch an inscription for free." The sales woman said as she filed her nails.

The girls looked at each other before Rosa said "Ok we will take two."


"That's it?" Renjun asked a bit confused. "What did you guys do? What happened to the rings?"

The girls looked each other with a knowing look and after a moment they started to giggle. Sure the answer was obvious to the both of them but to Renjun and everyone else it wasn't.

"Well..." Angie started as she grabbed Renjun's hand. "I wanted to leave and see the world..." The boy looked down to see a silver ring with an "R" on it.

"And I wanted to find a home." Rosa said and held the small human's other hand. He noticed
the silver chain that clipped around her wrist. It was strung through a ring with an "A" on it.

"These rings were an unsaid promise we made to each other and eventually, one day we fulfilled it." Angie said as Renjun finally started to understand.

"So one day, we hung up a map." Rosa explained as a grin laid on her lips at the happy memory. "And Angie threw a dart and it landed here."

"And now we are here with you."

"Drinking hot chocolate together!"

"Yes, drinking hot chocolate together."

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