Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


After Jimin had quickly slipped into something presentable, a white t-shirt and jeans as well as some silver earrings, and had fixed his hair, he grabbed the keys for his car, a black Honda Civic. Not the best car, but Jimin was proud of it. He had worked for it himself and after saving some money from his Saturday job for three years he had finally been able to afford it. His mother had offered getting him a better one, but it felt good to buy something with his own money so he had declined.

Even so he did feel somewhat embarrassed when he knocked on the door of Taehyung's apartment at the thought of Taehyung seeing his poor excuse of a car, but those worries were quickly forgotten when the door swung open and the person opening it was not Taehyung.

The first thing Jimin saw was, well, a muscular upper body, with tattoos winding all the way from his chest and arms down to where they disappeared in the seam of wide gray sweatpants that hung way too low for it not to be absolutely sexual. They revealed a strong v-line and a small trail of hair that lead down to... Jimin forced himself to look up and his heart almost stopped in his chest when he came face to face with Jungkook again.

The boy was leaning onto the door frame, not giving a fuck that he was half naked, mustering Jimin up and down, his eyes devoid of any emotions. The only way Jimin could have described it was that Jungkook looked mean. Scary even. And bored. Also like he was annoyed that Jimin was here, but instead of going all scary and saying something to Jimin, Jungkook simply turned around.

"Tae, that kid is here!"

"Coming!" Came back from inside and Jimin didn't know whether to feel offended for being called a kid or not, but he didn't have long to think about it because Jungkook stepped through the door, towering over Jimin, and for a second Jimin expected him to hit him or something like that, but then Jungkook simply slipped outside, grabbing a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and walking down the hallway of the dorm, still half naked. Jimin wasn't going to be the one to point that out.

Instead he turned around again, relieve washing over him when Taehyung's face appeared in the doorway. "Jiminie, you're early."

Jimin blushed at the nickname. "Sorry. If you want me to I could..." He pointed at the hallway, indicating that he could simply leave, but Taehyung simply laughed and shook his head. "No no. Don't. I'm done already anyways."

Just then Jimin noticed his outfit. Taehyung was wearing a plain black shirt with long sleeves and white jeans, but in addition with his raven black hair that was a bit too long already and almost covered his eyes he looked ridiculously attractive. Manly, but not in a forced way due to his rather broad build, and overall just comfortable.

"You look good." Jimin was glad that his voice didn't show any signs of how fucking nervous he actually was.

"Thanks." Taehyung grinned, grabbing his jacket. "Let's go."

Not long after they were sitting in a small café Taehyung had suggested because Starbucks was quite expensive for broke college students. It was a family run business and Jimin had to admit that he really liked it there. He would have to write down the name of it later, just to make sure he'd find this place again.

"So Jimin, what do you do?" Taehyung asked. It was just small talk but Jimin was glad for the opportunity of telling Taehyung about himself and hearing about Taehyung too.

"Right now I'm majoring business. My interests are actually more in an entertainment industry direction, but that is somewhat unrealistic, so I want to make sure to have a backup plan."

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