Im a baby!

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I do not own the art or Naruto its self all credits to the creaters

Naruto pov
Wait whats happening I can't seem to be able to walk or even get up what is happening (naruto hears distant voices but cant understand them) who's there why cant I understand you! (naruto begins to get frustrated and trys to get up but cant)

Kakashi pov

Senju pov
Maybe I missed an ingredent or maybe to much of an ingre- (she gets cut of by kakashi)

Kakashi pov
HOW DID YOU MESS UP (kakashi fixes his tone) you do know the person that gave you a reason to come back and stand for yourself is the one you almost killed heck when is he even gonna change back mh I need him to make a sqaud and no one can replace him (this is before Sasuke leaves)

Senju pov
Ok I know I all ready sent out jinji to get more herbs to make an antidote I have it under control

Kakashi pov
Ok so do you know how long till you get that antidote

Senju pov
Umm around 1 month

Kakashi pov
ONE MONTH! we dont have that kind of time where is naruto any way?!

Senju pov
He's in the other room spacificly the one next on the left of me

Kakashi pov
(He went in the room and saw naruto and said....) sh sh its ok will get that antodote soon

Naruto pov
Kakashi sensei! Oh am I glad to see you im getting kinda hungry. Oh and do you know why I cant move.. wait why are you picking me up! Are you taking? Why cant I understand you ugh this is sooo frustrating first I cant move than he ignores me than he starts picking me up! What the heck is going on!?

Kakashi pov
Ugh i guess by the look on Naruto's face he's starting to relies somethings off ( kakashi was interrupted by Naruto's growling stumach) oh boy he's hungry but I cant just give him ramen

Senju pov
You have to feed him milk

Kakashi pov
Say what now I have to take care of him babys are no good trouble I have a team that I cant let down and since we need to take quests I have no time !

Senju pov
But didnt you just say that you need him on the team and no one can replace him !_!

Kakashi pov
Well... ugh you got me there fine I'll take care of him but my team will still do D racked missions

Senju pov

Nararater pov
Naruto does finally start to notice he's a baby explaining a little bit about what was happening

Part 2 also a maybe if you like it if so tell me and I'll continue the story (480 words) bye >_<

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