Chapter 1

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Faith's POV.

I was just getting settled into my seat to see George Strait when my boyfriend and his best friend ordered their first round of drinks. I try to love Jake dispite his faults but just the smell of what he is drinking makes me want to throw up. I turned my attention to the stage as the opening act walked out. I'm not sure who he is but I can't complain about the view! His dark hair complimented his dark eyes very well and he had every girl in the crowd screaming with his crooked grin.

"What did you say this guy's name is?"

"Tim McGraw."

"He's pretty good!"

"His pants are too tight. I'm sure most of these girls haven't heard a word he's sung. At least you aren't that way, because you have me!" He said that last word with his version of a crooked grin and I chuckled under my breath. If he only knew how attractive I found this man jumping arond the stage in front of me. He may even give King George a run for his money!

After Tim's four amazing songs there was an intermission before George came out. At this point Jake had downed 3 beers and showed no sign of stopping. As soon as the lights came on in the arena he got on the floor pretending to tie his already tied shoe.

"What are you doing...?"

As I said that he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small velvet covered box and took my left hand.

"Audrey Faith, will you marry me?"

I froze before answering. I don't think a half-drunk proposal is really proper but I'm pregnant. He has no clue yet. I know I need to do this for our baby even if I'm not completely sure I love him.

"Yes.." He grabbed my face going for a celebration kiss and his best friend stood ready to get a picture of the moment. "Kiss me when you don't smell like a keg," I winked as I pushed him back.

I barely paid attention while George was on. He has always been my favorite and I've been giddy all week waiting for this but my mind was racing. All I could think about was gettting married and having a baby with a man who I have only known for a few months.

Once the last song ended, before George even left the stage, Jake had my arm and was practically dragging me out. I lost count of his beers quite a while ago and both of them are completely wasted. I got the keys out ready to drive them home but he pulled me away from the parking lot and to a bathroom on the outside of the arena.

"Where the hell are you going?!"

"Let's celebrate!"

"I'm not doing this here! You need to go home and go to bed. I'm pretty positive what you have in mind is illegal and there is security everywhere ready to arrest a drunk idiot." I tried to yank myself from his grip and pull him the other way but he just tightned his hold and shoved me into the bathroom locking the door behind him. I made a huge mistake going for the door! He pulled both my arms behind my back and used his knee to push me to the ground. I opened my mouth to scream and he quickly put his hand over it as he took my clothes off. I knew I couldn't win, he's stronger and a lot bigger than I am, so I just laid still.

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