The Peaceful Times

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"This could've all been avoided."

"No, it cannot! We were fated to battle, and it is my destiny to put you down, vile fiend!"

I never wanted it to be this way, but it seems I have no choice.

"We'll see about that. Draw your pathetic blade and face me!"


Where am I? I can't see anything, it's too dark.

I stay still, thinking that my eyes will soon adapt to the dark, but that never happened. So I begin walking.

There is no walls, no objects, no anything; it's all just a floor that's the same as everything else. What is this place?

After a few quick moments, I get catapulted a few metres to the side. What the hell was that?

Out of the blue, two large holes begin to form on what I presume to be the wall. It looks like a window to the outside. I stand up to see through the windows but I don't see much.

"It's blurry, but is that a hand?" the gigantic hand seem to be moving closer in an arc, "oh no."

It hit the structure I was in, but I feel a sharp pain on my cheek.

"Sh*t! What's wrong with you?" I scream as my eyes burst open to see who it was.

"What's wrong with me? You're the one who's been spacing out for an entire hour! This is the third time it's happened this week!"

That voice, that face, I know her. Oh, now I know what happened. I was slapped.

"Sorry, it's just something on my mind." but what was on my mind?

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" she brings out a smile and places her hand on my shoulders, seemingly to reassure me.

"I microwaved the sausages in your freezer for five minutes, without defrosting it." I've known this girl for years now, there's no way I won't mess with her a bit.

"You did WHAT!?" She slapped me on the face again. This time, harder.

"I was joking. I ate it while it was still frozen." I try to laugh it off to see if it can cancel out the pain. Before she could swing once more, I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Damn, you really can't take a joke, can you? I know how much you love those, I haven't touched them." I put on a smile to show that it's the truth.

She quickly turns around, as if to avoid eye contact, "Shut up. We need to go or else we'll be late."

"Late for what, exactly?"

"Memory loss already hitting you, old man?" she says to me mockingly.

"Who're you calling old? We're the same age!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now hurry up or else we'll be late for the fireworks."

"Fire? works?"

"Yes, fire works very well."

"You cheeky little goblin." now I remember, it's New Year's.

She grabbed my arm then tried to run. I stay put, preventing any movement.

"We have five hours and my house is about a kilometre away. Unless we move slower than a turtle, I think we'll make it in time regardless of whether we walk or not."

"Fine, we'll walk." she agreed with me for once, reluctantly.

After half an hour of walking, we reach my street.

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